General Discussion

General DiscussionSome 3k Terrorblade Support theory crafting

Some 3k Terrorblade Support theory crafting in General Discussion

    So it looks more and more like Icefrog never plans for Terrorblade to return as a top tier carry given the pathetic unimportant buffs he keeps receiving (rather than just putting illusion damage back to 300 or increasing strength gain per level to 2.0 or something like that).

    Instead I reckon he is aiming for TB to become a top tier support and I think I've worked out how.

    At level 1 with metamorphosis and his 10 starting armour he can easily trade hits with and outzone any offlane, or even dual offlaners (since he doesn't have to care about getting CS).

    After that you max reflection, which provides a massive aoe slow/a bit of damage, cancels blink daggers for 5 seconds, all on a 1 second cooldown. You also only need to put one point in illusions. With that done you just level stats to make up for his complete shit stats and only max metamorphosis and illusions after you have levelled stats.

    Then you just build him as an aura support, go vlads, greaves, pipe. Also pick up an aether lens because you want longer range sunders. Now normally sunder is meant to be used by TB on a low health enemy to steal their hp when he is low. Instead support TB just sits in the back of the fight casting reflection and providing aura, and then when his carry/s are low he sunders them to save them!

    It's like a Dazzle grave or Oracle ulti except they return to full health! Late game you can go refresher so the plays would be insane - you sunder to save your carry and end up on 25% hp, then you refresh and immediately sunder a full health enemy - you have two of your heroes at full health and one of theirs at 25!

    For his illusions what you do is just summon them and move command them onto an allied hero, now they have a vlads/greaves/pipe aura for the next 30 seconds! (assuming the enemy doesn't kill the illusion but since it isn't hurting them they probably won't worry about it as much).

    If anyone feels like testing us out let us know here how it goes.


      I mean, what the fuck is this? What kind of poorly thought out piece of shit joke is this? You can't put two seconds of thought into this thing? Hmmm? Is there any pride? Any sense of the craft? No. No, there's nothing. You just wander in like a child and shit out some complete goddamn nonsense and hope to be showered with praise and thanks. Well, I'd like to shower you with something. I'd like to shower you with my own piss. I'd like to pee all over you and march you around town and knock on all your relatives' doors and plus various town dignitaries, and point to you, and say, "Look at this lazy sack of failure. Fuck this guy." I'd march right into the middle of the town and interrupt the spring parade just like Ferris Bueller, but not to belt out some Beatles song, but rather to get everybody to join in shaming you, shaming you for the grotesque failure you have become, the complete sham of an existence you have led, the abomination that is your life and your impact on human society. Fuck you, you walking turd. You shameful son of a bitch. Goddamn you! Goddamn you, daddy! You walked out of the door. Didn't you care? If you never loved mommy, didn't you love me? Didn't I matter? Did you think of me at all? You were never there. When I was in the school play and I looked out into the audience, and all the other kids' parents were there, you weren't there. There was just an empty seat. That's all you were to me daddy. And now look at me? Do you think I want to be this? This thing? This creature? They said I was smart in school. They said I had potential.


        Basically 0-0-1 or 1-0-0 into a 4-1-1 then 4-1-4? Idk, could work maybe since a PMS (because of damage block) and/or Buckler into Mek/Crimson can help with his early game. Don't think he can outzone offlaners with a lot of nukes though (but he can probably do so with offlaners that rely heavily on physical damage)

        What would be his place in the early game though? Semi-jungle support with lane rotations (like a CM maybe?)


          you're 3k for a reason

          me, government hooker

            good lord


              @Roflul - Where did u get that quote from ?


                @Op - Just marvellous man. Ur the diamond in the dirt, if gyro can be played as support y can't TB with his skill set. You just try it out a couple of times and post the results. This can't work at 6k/7k mmr I guess, but it's pretty legit for other mmr, also post the item build order if u think this is working.


                  The thing about supports is that they have to offer value in their spells, gyro support is never used again because of his unreliable lockdown in missile and his magical damage output needs for him to be highly leveled which means that as support his damage output is not as great as a carry's especially with the absence of flack cannon. The same goes for terrorblade. All he basically has for a support is one slow basically and one heal and both on a very inconvenient cooldown especially in the early levels. Also having 2 spells completdly useless on terrorblade is worse than 1 spell being completely useless on the gyrocopter. Also even if he does have 10 armor he has low starting HP and almost any offlaner with a simple nuke can destroy him. And no, Icefrog means for him to stay as a carry since he buffed his BAT and his %based damage taken and he does okay at that since his winrate is 50%. The ability to farm with his illusions will make him a good carry for ever.

                  Player 215168758

                    Dont post it here, you will be ended like phantom riki "dotabuff was created for statistic, not sharing builds."

                    Arek Akashi

                      I have tried this , it may work if you have A str carry like (tiny , wk , sven) so you can give him like 3k hp with ur ulti , and the opponent team has carry like jugger or any other carry with good passives .But I am sure tb is much better as core