General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-Mage

Anti-Mage in General Discussion

    Why does am have 47.68% win rate, I don't get it , my am wr just reached 80%, every time I play am it's like Ez mod , I can always win a am game if it lasts over 35 min.

    Venus, MBA

      80% on a hero you have 20 games with isn't viable evidence. Am has a low win rate because actually decent players can find ways to counter him even late. He also makes his tea, fight 4v5 early game. In that time, if his team gets stomped, they can have a really low morale.


        I love to play against AM and Ember, both sucks mid game, just pick the right hero and AM will be jungling while you ending game.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          not everyone is good

          Livin' Real Good

            Well AM isn't good this meta, in 6.84 it was his time to shine, he was the go to carry, the all star, the man everyone wanted to play.


              I have 70% win rate on support CK. And I don't get it too...

              Dire Wolf

                Cus pub players can't find farm unless supports win lane for them. I'm same way. And AM is shit without farm. Some heroes can comeback or be effective without as much farm. Like spectre. She can lose lane badly but if team sets her up late she can ult and get an ez triple kill and be back in the game. She also does work late with just like 3 items (heart, diffusal, manta and she is a bitch).

                AM has to 6 slot by like 30-40 mins or he's toast. AM has no way to get back into games but farm so you keep pressure up and he's screwed. AM is garbage in lane. AM's counters are popular like LC.


                  Am is super strong in lane, with a good laning partner, for example cm, Kotl, also am can create space for himself, blink is just ridiculous. I had 68 duel damage as am playing against lc once.

                  Rektdalf the White

                    CM is not really strong laning partner tho..


                      Crystal Nove, am can get at least 5 hits in on the offlaner, if u level mana burn past level 1 it's extremely effective, also u can easily kill the offlaner if am has ult with am cm lane.


                        Normalskill, dont talk man


                          Antimage is actaully going over 50% in high skill and very high skill currently .


                            Which means it's time to slay some mages again !


                              The magic ends here

                              Putins Price Hike

                                normal skill dota. U could own with riki. AM is bad vs people who know to not let him just free farm all game


                                  Magic is an abomination!

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Because 4v5 is hard in solo queue.

                                    Yes, good AMs will fight as well as farm when needed, but most (at least at lower tiers) will afk, forcing the team to play 4v5. That has a negative impact on the hero's winrate.

                                    Rektdalf the White


                                      Final Boss

                                        Because am is a trash hero who gets outcarried by almost every other hero in the game, even mages. Seriously needs buff.


                                          i have 20% winrate on this hero, LUL

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            AM is a joke of a hero lol

                                            The odds are so high for the other team to win when there is an am picker.

                                            He used to be a threat, like 4 patches ago. Now he's a joke.