General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing is good.

Smurfing is good. in General Discussion

    Smurfing helps with the learning process. For most people it's too boring to analyze replays etc. If you are low mmr you aren't going to learn fucking anything from the people you are matched with. But when you play with actual good players every single match is not only more fun but also a great learning experience. A 6k player will push the game very hard for the victory of his team and while doing that will do in game things, tiny details that you didn't even know were possible. So don't shy away from smurfing.

      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        because if a normal skill player creates a smurf he will surely get matched with 6k players 4Head


          Sure, you do get better allies & will learn faster (if you actually want to)

          but you're ruining the game for 9, or at least 4 other people in the process so yeah refrain from smurfing

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            you can watch high skill games without making a smurf btw..


              Very true..


                you learn more by playing with people of your level, cz u cant rly understand what better players are doing in-game; you only see that somehow they are always at the rig place and have a lot of farm. you dont see how they do it.
                if you want to learn from better players, watch streams, or replays in player's perspective.

                Putins Price Hike

                  u dont learn nething from ppl at ur level. The best chance to learn is to get beat against better people. No one ever got better at a pro sport with pick up games.


                    ^have u ever practiced sports? like, ever in ur life?


                      also u are not supposed to learn something from people u play with. u learn practicing by urself, and watching other people playing (be it a stream, a guide, etc.) u cant learn shit from people u randomly meet in solo q cz u have other shit to do rather than following every move of theirs.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        this is a dota forum how can u expect any1 to practice sports


                          ^ Huge point sir! :D


                            not as huge as ur gf's dick 4Head

                            Putins Price Hike

                              u learn from facing better people. if u keep facing people on ur level u cant go to the next.


                                thats not generally true


                                  and thats not true for dota in particular

                                  Putins Price Hike

                                    its true. Dota changes from skill level to skill level. If u take what u learn at 2k and do that vs 4k people it wont go well. u hit a wall and then u are just beating up on people but not improving. Skill brackets in dota have a middle ground where the good people in that bracket are dragged towards the middle and the lower people are pushed towards the mid. So this game will just keep u at ur skill level till u go vs better people and lose and learn. listen to low tier pro teams those people like losing to teams like EG, secret cause its a chance to learn from those better than u


                                      game skill is not observable here. u only see that they are good, and u find urself losing against them. u do understand that they are better than u, but u cant copy them or learn from them, cz u dont see what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. you only notice that they are efficient, as a result of what they do.
                                      it gives u nothing.
                                      u cant even practice in this kind of matches, cz u just fall off quickly, and have no chance to try to have some impact.


                                        playing agsinst better TEAMS sure helps. you see their drafts and their strategy, but this kind of dota has nothing to do with solo MM.
                                        and even this wouldnt help you if u were not at least half decent 6k-7k pkayer with experience in comp dota.

                                        Putins Price Hike

                                          how do u not see what people are doing in a game? u can see what is happening and learn from them. Im not suggestin a 2k person go vs miracle. But going against those better than u gives u the best chance to learn the game cause u adapt or sink

                                          Free 2 Play Scootz

                                            basically triplesteals saying u cant learn much from just playing against better people. You actually have to spectate them in their perspective to learn anything


                                              ^^cz u cant watch what they do cz u need to play urself

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              Putins Price Hike

                                                pro people go against 4k people all the time cause the MMr is too skewed to get 10 6k people. I bet those 4k people prefer games vs 6k pros vs 4k people.


                                                  best way to learn to play is good attitude and playing calm,like if ur mid ,and ur mid is gettin fucked,dont go mad mode coz it ,with staying calm u can do everything better at games.

                                                  Putins Price Hike

                                                    there are chances to see them. or understand what just happened. what those people did and for what reason. again not suggesting 2k vs 4k. I am suggesting a 2k person going against 3k. Not vs more 2k people


                                                      i dont see much of a difference between getting into a match with av mmr close to my one, or 1k above it, in terms of how much i oearn from the game.
                                                      if i want to get better, i watch vods of these 7-8k players. i cant rly learn from them when im matched with them, even if im laning against them, cz im too focused on my own performance.


                                                        yea, there is a chance, but why would you use ur time with 10% efficiency instead of 100% efficiency, if u want to see how better people play? if u want practical knowledge, u get it by playing at your level, cz its the most competitive level for you. if u need theoretical knowledge, u shall watch other ppl play, and not eventually move ur screen to their current location for 5 seconds every 10 minutes.

                                                        Putins Price Hike

                                                          but u dont know how u are learning cause what dominates at one bracket might need improvement at another. like the kid who thinks AM is an unbeatable pick. Not vs better people. like i said b4. If u do pick up basketball and keep going vs the same people u will just be as good as those people. U cant get better cause their is a cap


                                                            - Biggest pile of balls I've ever read, OP.

                                                            - If you're the one smurfing, you play against and with players of less calibre than you, so you subconciously pick up their bad habits again.

                                                            - If you're playing with a smurf on your team, you win, but you get a false and unrealistic impression of what it takes to win. There is imbalanced mascaraing as balance.

                                                            - If you're playing against a smurf, then you lose, but worse is that no matter how well you and your team play in your respective skill level, you still lose, so you get a false impression (again) of what it takes to win. You start doubting what you did right as thinking it was actually wrong, because a smurf bettered you. Yet what you did may have been right all along against someone of equal or slightly better skill than you are. Again, imbalance mascaraing as balance.

                                                            - In ALL! of these scenarios, there is the opposite of learning. There is the accumulation of bad data. For the smurf, for those playing on the smurfs team, and for those playing against. And even if somehow you are the smurf and don't pick up bad habits, you're still creating a bad learning experience for 9 other players for the reasons I mentioned above.

                                                            - But by all means, keep trying to justify your smurfing as somehow beneficial to everyone, and not just an ego trip because you can't stand not winning "only" 55% of your games.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              what dominates in hgher bracket, might not be efficient in ur bracket, and most likely it wont even work for you due to some skill reaquirements to make this hero/build/strategy efficient.
                                                              as a 3k player, one can get into some 5k matches and see that bounty hunter is super decent, but this hero want work in 3ks just cz its efficiency relies on team's understanding of how this hero works. if ur mates dont know how to play with bh, the hero is game losing.

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                u are suggesting just skipping certain pieces of game knowledge and going straight to higher bracket playstyle, but it wonr work, cz in order to execute it, u need to understand everything it is based on.
                                                                like, u can start learning maths with limited integral functions as a way to describe multidimentional figures and their s/v/etc., but ud better started with numbers, simple operators (summation, multiplication), etc.


                                                                  @TripleSteal It is true.. You are ether ignorant or just post bitch writing countless crap here.

                                                                  I was playing in high 2k for almost 2 years, with and versus bad/stupid/casual players which I was too in that time and ocasional smurfs/boosters who would just stomp games 30-0 and there is nothing that you could learn that trust me.

                                                                  The time when I decided to make smurfs and started playing with better players, early in unranked matching with 4ks and even low 5ks sometimes was when I learned a whole LOT and decided to keep doing that, trying every role, practicing different things, getting better at game mechanics and even tho I didnt perfected those to very high level they given me the very much needed advantage over the bracket I played before and even I started to win almost half of my smurf games on the 1k+ level of my own performing decently with what Ive learned and putted into my gameplay.

                                                                  Thus calibrated one at 3600 and another at 3800 MMR! I realised that I have to put newly acquired skill into practice on my main acc, and guess what happened? I instantly escaped my 2k bracket in one run, not ever gone back in it like it used to be like 20x before, gaining and wining more of what now felt like easy games compared in overall game knowledge, most of the times, crushing my lanes whatever I played and just kept raising untill I almost got to my smurfs rating. That said I was 2600 just 3 months ago and now Im about 3600 and closing to my highest smurf rating and that ever striving VHS bracket! :D

                                                                  I feel better playing now and knowing the game much more than before when I was stuck in the dark, blind to all things out there...

                                                                  And in no way Im trying to say that Im great player, but Im definitely better than before and with that proving the OPs point!

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    have u thought that it might be a consequence of ur decision to "learn the game", and not the fact that u smurfed?


                                                                      also, have u tried to actually learn things, and not play for lulz? watching decent streamers, pro games in player's perspective, ur own replays to find mistakes?
                                                                      if u didnt, how can u say that it isless efficient than smurfing?


                                                                        yea, every time ur opinion doesnt coincide with someone else's it means hes an ignorant bitch or a retard


                                                                          It really depends. Triplesenpai is right, but EmotionalDrift and OP are also right too.

                                                                          If you're low 3k/high 2k and make a smurf, and go about ~ 500 to 800MMR higher, there's a good chance you will learn something if you want to learn,because players with 3600-3700 MMR ain't way better than 2900-3100 mmr, for example.

                                                                          But then again, difference is enough to keep 2k in 2k and mid 3k in 3500, for example.

                                                                          I also made a smurf back in december 2015, calibrated it in jan. of 2016, played on it whole feb. 2016, in march I decided to comeback on my main and this is my results:

                                                                          Solo MMR before I made a smurf: 3400-4024(average was 3650-3700), I was mostly hanging in 3600-3700 games.
                                                                          Solo MMR now: 4225, and I even raised my party from 3400 to almost 3900.

                                                                          I calibrated on my smurf 4500, at some point got close to 4.7k, and droped back to 4300-4400 MMR.

                                                                          Even tho I wasn't ready for that MMR backthen, I was able to maintain my low 4k because I started to learn, adapt and go more in depth about Dota, reading more advanced guides, learning how to be more effective, watchign my replays, listening to advices and I can assure you that playing against low 4k people eventually made me a 4.2k player,which is very close to my stable smurf mmr (4.3, more or less).

                                                                          I would say that playing only to get high MMR won't make you a better player, but learning, analising your shit and actually letting people give you advices will make you a better player if you're not narrow minded.

                                                                          I won't lie, road from 3.5k to 4.2k wasn't that easy for me even when I came back to main, but I tried my best, analised shitload of bad games I've had and eventually it happened.

                                                                          Now I don't say I won't get back to high 3k (3800-3900 or flat 4k), but I'm 100% sure that I got what it takes to actually re-gain my 4k if I lose it.

                                                                          Hell, if you don't trust me, just look at my winrate. I'm above 50% on ranked, and my global winrate jumped from 48.50% to 49.50%.


                                                                            @TripleSteal Yes it can be and yeah in that perspective you are right. I indeed did all those things you mentioned except the watching my replays thing, I watch pro replays a lot. But it can be both, because I did all those while I was smurfing, maybe you learn faster playing with better players than you cause its easier to do things then.. Good point tho!

                                                                            And sorry I had that retarded impression on you from all the million posts you putted here, especially those one liners.. xD

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              I'm enjoying this kind of argument *grabs popcorn


                                                                                I Duno what triple steal is smoking. But it is much better to be in a game than watching a replay. Skill is gained while playing. Some form of learning MAY occur from watching replays. And learning about the game is not perfectly correlated w ur skill at playing the game

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  To get better, you have to improve your patterns which can come over time (perhaps) if you continue to play or it can come much faster when you watch yourself play and see mistakes (this is hard and probably requires someone better) and try to correct it the next time you play.

                                                                                  In my opinion, you only get better while you're playing if your aim is actually to get better. If your aim is to win a single dota game, then it is tougher to get better. If your aim is to get better during the game and forget about winning/losing (short term mmr) then it is probably better for you in the long run even if the result is a loss.

                                                                                  I am not sure if I made any sense at all!


                                                                                    smurfing only gud for the smurfer itself, they ruining others when they "learning" or on most chases blaming other when they feed but didnt evaluating they own STUPIDITY. Most of them only want a better mmr with spamming carries to get higher bracket, when they skill not insufficient on that bracket. Im already fed up by TBD players whos can only spam carry but play like shit. idk how they can improve if they only learning to do a proper last hit on every smurf they careated, then when farm with so much wards on the map they easily got ganked and blame team cuz no backup. So far i hate low mmr smurfer, whatever im just whining here.


                                                                                      ur wrong triple. I've learned a lot from pieliedie. I learn from my team mates. Stop spreading false information russian jackass


                                                                                        I remember when smurfing meant actually being good and creating a new account to deliberately play with newbs. I wonder when it began to mean the complete opposite...

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          Yeah sure practice ur shit in overtoss or whatever but playing against a bunch of 5-6ks gives you a lot of insight into what needs doing. And I don't want to watch fucking replays I want to actually play!

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                            Also, you can try being a nice not-game-ruining person and party with people a few thousand points higher than you. That's basically the only way I play nowadays, which is why I jump from skill brackets all the time, although I'm a middle guy, since my parties also include people a thousand or more points lower than me.

                                                                                            That way you can experiment both having a far more experienced player trying his best to carry your sorry ass while having your own burdens. Except if you can only be the burden, of course.

                                                                                            Oh, and chances are that when you create a new account you'll get paired with the exact same people you did before.


                                                                                              As stated above even if you gain some kind of advantage Smurfing you are screwing 4-5 people in all your games .


                                                                                                You learn by screwing 4 teammates.
                                                                                                Very good for personal benefit.

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                  why there is no skill bracket in this account i created it today but there is no skill bracket on it


                                                                                                    "You learn by screwing 4 teammates" unnecessary assumption


                                                                                                      lets clear something up. account buying ruins games. how does smurfing ruin games exactly? since u are supposedly placed where u belong anyway? true smurfing is buying accounts, or bullying noobs on a low mmr account that doesnt belong to u.