General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy all farm has to go to 1 carry?

Why all farm has to go to 1 carry? in General Discussion
Story Time

    I know, it is a silly question, all depends on the hero compositions, enemies, stage of the game and the abilities to farm.

    But imagine if 1 main item of the main carry will be replaced by 1 main item on a support (like earlir mechasm or force staff or glimmer cape) would not that help to prevent extra death of support or would not that contribute to the team fight timely?

    So if support steals a killl to finish his item, does it make sense for a main carry to flame the rest of the game?


      cuz basically carry heroes need items to increase the dps on the fight based on his skills, when sup dont need much.


        Carry heroes are far better with an abundance of gold that most heroes. Because there is only so much gold on the map, the gold is distributed favorably to the carry hero so he can, well, carry. Support heroes aren't as good with gold because they usually don't have a defined farming mechanism or have as good scaling as carries do. In low skill bracket games it is easy to run multiple position 1 heroes because lower skilled players have more trouble getting all the gold on the map.


          But imagine if 1 main item of the main carry will be replaced by 1 main item on a support (like earlir mechasm or force staff or glimmer cape) would not that help to prevent extra death of support or would not that contribute to the team fight timely?

          yes, but usually mek is bought by someone who doesn't need other items more and can make it fast at the same time
          which is not always support

          but if you're farming on lane while your team is fighting as 4 somewhere else then it's almost report worthy
          same with having 4 wards in stash

          So if support steals a killl to finish his item, does it make sense for a main carry to flame the rest of the game?


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            because carries have egos and think everything (includingsupports) belongs to them.

            any decent player understands that farm priority varies during a game.

            of course carry heroes generally have an ability which means items are worth more to them - for example, if your hero has an innate crit then a damage item is more valuable on them rather than crystal maiden - but giving some farm to a support so they can get a mobility item or something is much better than turning them into a ward bitch with brown boots+magic wand 30mins in.


              i also think your 1000GPM alch/meepo/tinker should be buying the wards and dropping them in base for the support to place.


                Supports are brothers in arms when you play carry -- they will protect you -- secure farm for you -- die for you... you also need to protect them & help them secure what they can.
                Any carry that believes a support "stole" from him is a damn retard (unless it's an Oracle stealing kills with flames).

                Say you're vs offlane Naix/Alchemist/Tide ; if my support Lion uses finger on them when they're at 20% yet control is about to wear off & we have none left how can I consider that a steal? Alchemist would have popped ult & ran, Tide ditto & Naix would just rage up.
                His mistake might have been not using finger right away... but maybe he wanted to keep it for a rainy day? Which isn't a mistake in itself.

                Mek is as said by arin also purchased by #3/4 normally because it's too expensive for supports to have it early enough to be relevant.
                My example with the Lion is a real one, he scored 5 kills before minute 15 with finger -- mid raged at him despite lion dying twice in backup attempts that saved WR each time -- he had 15m blink. I safe farmed for another 10m & put and end to the game...
                Most of that game is Lion's doing.

                But yeah... some people play like shit & assume they can just "sup" their way through games they couldn't carry themselves. Those guys are ass.


                  When i play support i try to secure all the last hits to him/her. If i kill an enemy so be it but i won't take the creeps and i will always ward up the area so that he won't die so easily. When you a support your abilities is made for killing early on but horrible at farming creeps. If you do have the capacity at that stage to leave the kill to your carry you can should do that

                  Lets do Science

                    There's 3 Lanes, 1 Ancient Camp, and 5 small/med/large camps every minute per side of the map. There's only so much that can be doled out to get every one their items in a timely fashion. A support who demands farm cuz he needs it over say Slark for his arcane boots is going to cause problems down the line. Slark is going to be behind 1-2 mins on his Lothar, which means the enemy has 1-2 minutes to level up / gain the ability to deal with him stalking their lanes / jungle more than he should have.

                    Not saying supports should never get farm. If for some reason your cores are whacking off in jungle as a lane pushes in, there's no reason not to grab whatever lhs can come out of that wave as long as you aren't leaving a fight you could have turned around unattended. A mistake I see alot of the time is people who play support will literally never go for a last hit. Even in winning games these guys tend to turn into bags of gold later, as they assume that because they left the farm for the carry *who wasn't even there for the 40 lhs he let go* that the carries going to win it easily. Supports DO need items especially as a game goes later. You just need to be more creative about how you get them.


                      Reported noob kill stealer sup game is over

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