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how to get VHS?


    Best Treant EU

      just checked ur last game with qop. how is it possible with this items and in a game that lasts more than 50min to have under 7k hd?

      if u want to be in vhs, u need to increase ur impact. -> more kills/assists, more last hits, more td dmg, heal etc..

      if u play as carry u should have like 60-70 last hits per 10 mins. when u pick a flash farmer like luna, sven, jugger, am u can raise it to 100 per 10 mins. probably not the first 10 min, but a good mark is the 30 min one. the rest will come automatically when u have more gold.

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      ||--Pa!n Ampl!f!ed--||

        You are where you belong.
        Just watch pro matches and learn, can't say anymore, it's obvious.


          get 3.7k


            I'm 2.5k mmr and I will say, you are not a good teammate. @Mulatschak is right, be more effective. 7k hero damage in 50 min as qop?? you should have around 20-30k at 50 min!!!

            how to get VHS?

              The first game hero is commonly used?

              Best Treant EU

                ur lc game was good. the rest of the games u lack hd in my opinion. dunno if u try to avoid fights or sth. but u have to keep in mind, that if u play 1st or 2nd position u have to deal the most or the second most hd usually. u should try to play some supports too. what do u do if ur teammates pick 4 cores? this happens at every bracket.


                  skill bracket just represents the mmr of ur matches. get 3.7k to be in vhs.

                  Mr God

                    I heard sucking less and playing better helps getting in vhs. Afaik

                    how to get VHS?

                      @Mulatschak can play with me?


                        The daily VHS topic dose xD

                        how to get VHS?

                          wew xD


                            i agree what pain amplified had said


                              taste grandma's furburger

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                              King of Low Prio

                                Killing heroes will get you to 4k I'm a horrible at farming but I take high risk fights that throw off the opponents boring farm routine. Also work on map awareness too many 3k players see a 5man gank coming bot Lane and to base instead of tp'n to top lane and keeping up efficiency.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                how to get VHS?

                                  No tips? I have been experimenting with 3 accounts . 1. play with lots kill 2. playing style to suit 3. The hero role to play as usual . account 1 out HS 2 and 3 NS ​​. what about my trial ?


                                    Watch pro games


                                      Practice in single player mode
                                      Master heros even if its boring

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I did give you tips you need to get kills on high priority targets. If you see my normal or high games I play withy girl playing CM she puts herself in the open and gives me the space to clean up cuz they see a easy CM kill :P

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          The way you play this style is you lower the opponents gpm by either killing them or forcing them off the map so while you might only have 500gpm they can only manage 400 due to the pressure you put them under.


                                            fuck high skill or vhs i just want to escape 1k :D

                                            how to get VHS?

                                              @kingoflowprio can play wth you?