General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you manage to keep your body healthy?

How do you manage to keep your body healthy? in General Discussion


    how do you guys manage to keep your arms, wrists and fingers healthy? When I used to play WoW I didn't have problems (there is not so many clicking compared to DotA) but now my wrists hurt (I'm worried about carpal tunnel syndrome)
    Is there some sort of excercise to keep healthy or how do you manage to keep your arms healthy? (I got a girlfriend so my arms were not prepared for such a punishment)




        after a match i stand up, go walk around house for 5 mins or so. also doing some hand excercises like this

        i'm quite worried about carpal tunnel as well (and i've experienced the same pain as you numerous times) but now when i'm doing this, it doesn't hurt that often (tbh i don't remember last time it did)


          Wow this was a serious question?

          D the Superior
            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

              I play 100 hours every 2 weeks sometimes more since over 6 years now and never had any fucking Problems.
              Maybe u guys should visit a gym once in your live.


                As an Invokerspamming Concertpianist that studies medicin i can tell you that it's mostly about being relaxed and posture.
                Allways try to think what youre doing with any muscle and do the oposite as a stretch.
                Oh and dont worry about your nerves carpal tunnel syndrome isnt as common as people think Especially for younger people.
                Make sure you sit up straight, and have your arms rested firmly on chair.
                Fingers like any other part of the body can be trained.

                I would not recomend just doing that picture tho, when youre Cold and or hurting. Think big movements.
                If your finger hurts move your entire arm not just your hand.

                Also doing 15 min of cardio can do wonders :)
                Oh and hydrate!!!!

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                ASSESS Product

                  Uninstall doto. Ez


                    The power of supplements.


                      I use a computer all day long charting after seeing patients and I got a left wrist injury . Workouts that improve grip strength tend to help my pain . I have pretty good grip strength since first gym I layed my foundation f strength training with had barbells with very think grips but my left has noticeably weaker grip strength now compared to my right . Dota isn't so bad on it but at work it definitely needs to take at least a 10 second break for every minute of typing or more . Maybe get one of those grip strength trainers that you squeeze for inbetween games .

                      Dire Wolf

                        make sure your keyboard and mouse are setup correctly and you shouldn't have issues. You want your palms to be level with your wrists so your fingers slope down. Get a wrist pad for your mouse if you have to, make sure your chair is adjusted high enough so you sit over your keyboard correctly etc.


                          does any of this affect your gameplay?

                          Eternal Meow

                            It might be hard to do but try to type and click lightly. Only use as much force as necessary. If it's specifically your arms you might need to have a set up where your arms are fully resting the whole time. If you already do this then you might need to adjust your seat height relative to your keyboard and mouse. I used to have chronic pain from PC use until I changed my layout completely. Now it doesn't hurt at all. I can't say if working out your arms would help or not because I fixed my issues without changing anything else but my PC set up. If your set up is not ergonomic, working out won't fix the problem.


                              I do wrist curls at the gym.