General Discussion

General DiscussionI ALMOST GOT CALIBRATED TO 5k :(

I ALMOST GOT CALIBRATED TO 5k :( in General Discussion
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    SO this is my mmr update:
    GAME 1: 3964
    GAME 2: 4250
    GAME 3: 4571
    GAME 4: 4516
    GAME 5: 4519
    GAME 6: 4446
    GAME 7: 4736
    GAME 8: 4673
    GAME 9: 4786
    GAME 10: 4944
    i cried because my kda on game 10 is not that much. and i have a bad gpm/xpm because the enemy won a stomp.
    Maybe if we are the ones who stomped the enemy, things would've been different
    and i should've been calibrated to 5k. because 4944 and 5k is just very near! its just i cant even solo kill anyone because
    they always go 5man. SO yeah at the end i got calibrated to 4879! im a bit happy though
    my last topic

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Well damn it looks alot more awful when you can't win more than half your games ._.


        How can u see your mmr update in calibrating games ?

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          its not really my mmr but something near that because its based from my avg mmr.


            rolf this proves my statement that fucks get higher mmr than expected. 5k will be the new 2k

            Livin' Real Good

              I dunno, maybe you're lying, I don't think you calibrated that high with stats like that


                i checked his profile he did calibrate at said mmr. it just that scrubs getting high mmr with the new system

                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                  I tried to search for his account, its real; he might just lose everything because of that iffy winrate :x


                    40% winrate, considering you lost all games around since reaching 4.5k, youre most likely a low-mid 4k player. Have fun ruining games until you're back at your real mmr.

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                      nahh i think im good enough
                      when i start playing ranked games ill switch my playstyle to real me.
                      I mean ill cooperate with my team more often and pick the most needed hero or play for the sake of my team
                      and one good thing about me is i never blame even if you watch my replays:D

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        You can think what you want, fact is youre winrate says you aren't good enough (and by far).

                        фальсификация голосования

                          almost 5k hours and 1 k mmr i dont understand why i waste my fucking time.

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                            Okay, my first account was calibrated 2.9k and ive played it and reached 4.3k only
                            and i always play carry but its harder to win games because the team has sufficient knowledge
                            so i created some smurf thinking that it could fix the problem, maybe valve will remove some retards on my game.
                            but i think maybe you're right maybe not because i never played many games at this bracket yet.
                            And i had a very low win rate because notice why i had very low deaths on my rank? if you watch my replay
                            youll see how i steal kills, play safe, and solo kill without dying. its just im thinking that im a smurf so i 100% dont care
                            if i lose or i win.


                              ^^ Try to actually improve instead of just spamming games then
                              ^ Thats what ive thought 4-4.5k given your winrate etc. Why dont you just keep playing on your main then? You'll actually improve, have more fun playing and dont ruin games for up to 9 other people (which is a really douchy thing to do tbh). Maybe you even got worse at the moment because you adapted to this high KDA, but game-losing playstyle, so is it really worth it?

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                                idk if it's worth it. But i think what matters most at the end is you, and how you play, so i think ill try to play my main acc. I think i just created this smurf out of curiosity ^_^

                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                  He lost 7 out of 10 .
                                  7x4 =28
                                  28 people lost those mmr they deserve because you are greedy. Each of them waste their time into a losing gane cuz of a smurf doing kill steals and trash performance. Amount of time wasted: 28x30=840 minutes

                                  Time required for each of them getting their mmr back if they win
                                  ->each game last for around 30 minutes, then:
                                  28x30 = 840minutes

                                  You caused 28 people lost the total of 1680 minutes for your mmr exploitation

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                    A player with 60% winrate need to play 5 ranked games to climb 25 mmr, and it takes atleast 150 minutes.
                                    Once a smurf ruined his ranked games, you have just destroyed his whole hard work, which is really sad.
                                    I hope people could understand these things and stop destroying people's hardwork

                                    1 `


                                      Selfless Teammate

                                        Not only that but he deserve like 2k with this 42% winrate spamming a lame hero

                                        Mr God

                                          High skill shit, fuck off. Even tho maybe he's not really 5k material, I'm quite sure he's better than you.

                                          Selfless Teammate

                                            4.3 solo smurf
                                            how about yours? Ls

                                            Mr God

                                              Lol. Sorry mate. it's pointless to argue with you.

                                              Selfless Teammate

                                       yeah it is..what skill you said you are?

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  whenever I get some fgt smurf on my team I get some revenge by going on my girls 2k account and bring down swift justice to game ruining



                                                    Also consider guys it´s SE´s like 2k EU West rofl. EU West is just alpha...even when I want to have ez game I go for EU East or so :D Still I love ranked West since it´s just decent region in vhs.


                                                      ft.Rekt 3 hours ago
                                                      A player with 60% winrate need to play 5 ranked games to climb 25 mmr, and it takes atleast 150 minutes.
                                                      Once a smurf ruined his ranked games, you have just destroyed his whole hard work, which is really sad.
                                                      I hope people could understand these things and stop destroying people's hardwork

                                                      Time is the factor. When you smurf you can hit +500 mmr in 2 weeks...then when you are that good you go up anyways and don´t ruin. On your original it would take a few I think it does worth it. Just the fact some people care more about KDA and shit(like OP) is bad since you will lose with such a players. The attitude is the thing. Also I do get some normal skill people...since some of them are very decent but they are matched with mix of complete trash(since normal skill goes from 1k tier shit,2k tier shit and until like 3.3k where you can find some decent players).


                                                        how can i go to very high bracket? can someone help me with this? here is my dbuff thanks

                                                        1 `

                                                          Try to improve ur kda

                                                          I DON'T SPEAK ANIMAL (REAL)

                                                            Improve your gameplay


                                                              It's just completly random what mmr you get and you are one of those with EXTREME and i mean 1 in 1 million luckers that bugged it.

                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                You have a good KDA at that mmr bracket. I think you deserve that mmr despite your low win rate. But you can climb it to ±55+% once you play it "seriously" (not the hero spamming mmr calibrating trick mode)

                                                                I just wonder what would be the reaction of players on the avg mmr 4.5k+ if they saw the highest mmr in their bracket is TBD. xD


                                                                  Guys can someone help me guide on my path to a good MMR.. My 4k account was Scammed.. :(. Now I need to create new but it is too hard to go Very high skill as people told me that I should have a Good GPM/XPM. Well it is too hard to adjust from being a support for almost 2 years in my life. Can someone help me :(