General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to efficiently farm when teammates are feeding

How to efficiently farm when teammates are feeding in General Discussion

    Recently I've been in some matches where enemy started owning from start. If I'm playing as ganker or supp I usually try to create space for carry.(even though they happen to be suicidal) But its not the same when I play carry. In normal skill people donT always cooperate. So its all comes down to your own performance.
    I've a hard time farming as carry when enemy team gets first few kills then start harassing the lane I'm in. I try to jungle but its usually warded and continuous dewarding costs too much gold.
    I'm a new player so need some pro advice. Ty

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      well first off, you've gotta learn how to actually farm in the first place.


        If the team is not loosing towers then I dont have much problem farming.

        In the silencer game start was good until mid started during and lc fed. Lc had 20 duel victory at end.
        I joined team fights early to stop them from taking anymore tower. Plus I bought some support item.


          a good carry always know where is a safe place to farm no matter what
          not because they know how to last hit
          knowing how to last hit is important tho


            always bring TP,get the fuck out of a dangerous place before the enemy comes,and watch them waste time trying to find their biggest threat while you still farm


              Ty that's a nice advice.
              Last hitting becomes a problem when landing against some really tough opponent. Not much of an issue. (Though i still need some improvement there :) )

              Is it good to get shadow blade on any hero if it doesn't have a good escape mechanism to survive banks?
              I mean is it worth the money for say silencer or necro?


                SB is made for initiation,not for escape
                blink dagger gives more mobility and doesn't betray you if the enemy team gets detection
                sometimes I make SB on heroes that usually don't (slardar for example) to initiate instantly on elusive heroes like QoP,AM,puck,etc
                it can also be a good alternative of escape if the enemy team has some skills or items that has damage overtime,but then again,countered by detection
                force staff comes in mind for this situation,or just manfight them xd


                  Yes force staff is good. It can also be used offensively. People dont expect it in my skill bracket. :D


                    I can only give some tips since I am a noob myself (lacks alot of experience hehe)
                    gl and hf btw
                    try to ignore those toxic pricks that is around the dota community :)