General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy no pause?

Why no pause? in General Discussion

    Simple question really, why do people un-pause in games? I've done it myself occasionally if someone on the other team was un-pausing when my team paused, but what are the other reasons? Is a cheap win really worth it?

    Secondary question for anyone interested, why are so many Russians queuing on EU West? Makes communication and teamwork literally 0%, you end up with Riki's attacking couriers when an S.F is getting away with <100hp :L


      why do people un-pause in games?
      -cus they want to conteniue the game
      but what are the other reasons?
      -they have no time to wait
      Is a cheap win really worth it?
      -for sure, ppl will kill for mmr
      why are so many Russians queuing on EU West?
      -cus Apparently they are a lot of russians in EU that they can play with each other


        All good points man, no time to wait is stupid though. Who plays dota with no time? Nobody plays a football match and refuses to play extra time because they could only play the 90 mins. Dota games can go on for over an hour, sometimes even 2 (god forbid) so who has no time when starting a dota game XD


          i play dota when i dont have time. usually i got 90 min breaks while im in school so i cna walk home and ill have exactly 60 mins to play dota - considering qing, picking etc ill have 45 mins left that i can use to play

          i got no time to wait for your shitty computer/internet to reboot


            People just want any advantage available to win, especially if it involves MMR. It greatly depends on what people are concerned about besides MMR, i.e.: their views on sportsmanship.

            However to start a game then having to wait 10 minutes for someone who disconnected can't be called entertainment anymore. Yes people queue up with quite a lot of time in hand, but they queue to play not to wait even more.


              "...ill have 45 mins left that i can use to play"

              lol you sound like one of my teammates years back when i play with a fv who got so well but had to dc during the last minutes because he didnt top up his pc time (he was in a cybercafe). good thing for him i controlled his hero and broke the other ancient before he got abandon xD

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                There should be no pause in first place. War3 system was perfect (at least way better than dota2's).

                If you did pause back then, you were instantly unpaused. thus no1 was pausing, unless during tournament.
                Now we have people pausing for peeing, what are they, 2 years old kids ?
                Or checking sms or w/e. If they were to play football, would they ask for a pause during a game so they can read them aswell ?

                And for russian on eu west, it's actually the best server for them in terms of ping, as even russian server isn't located in russia (is it stockholm ?) and via the default route on internet, it makes it longer than just straight euW.
                That's similar to how peruvian have better ping on US, cause it's only peru->us->peru, compare to peruvian server, in which it's peru->us->peru(server)->us->peru

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                  yes its in stockholm, and i agree with u


                    Mainly because I couldn't be fucked waiting for some scrub who DC as soon as the game starts, It's like get fucked you had all picking stage to reconnect


                      -waiting is boring
                      -unpausing gives you a higher chance to win the game
                      -russians play on euw cz their (our) ping there is the same as (or even lower than) on russian server. this latter one is located in sweden; "russia", ye, sure; thanks volvo.


                        Isn't stockholm close to russia than eu west?


                          Most people I've encountered are pretty decent and don't mind waiting for a few minutes if someone DC's.
                          Also Sir.Swirl, there's currently some sort of bug that sometimes kicks people to the main menu when the game starts. I see at least one person DC right as the game starts every second game or so. I think its related to slower internet connections but I'm not sure. In any case, its common on SA server and most people are used to waiting a minute or two for the person to reconnect.


                            Im from SA aswell so I can confirm what theMaverick is saying.


                              geographically its closer, afair, but idk how the connection red works exactly, and i personally know several russians who get lower ping on euw consistently. im not one of them, tho.


                                Guess I can't be mad when people un-pause now seeming as there are soooo maaaany valid reasons for it -_- People with unreliable internet shouldn't really be playing ranked doto in the first place lul. Shame I'm never on the opposite team to the D/C'ers, that's just bad luck in the end.

                                Valve definitely to blame then i guess, just really don't like the fact that sometimes I cant communicate with my team during a ranked game; one could almost say "triggering" :D


                                  It is not against the rules to unpause. Other 9 guys owe you nothing

                                  Using chat wheel solves all communication problems

                                  Eternal Meow

                                    A lot of the unpausing is just tit for tat carrying over from previous games. If you have had issues with other players unpausing when you wanted to pause you become less likely to let the other teams pause too.

                                    Not Supp-ort

                                      Ez win, cause it's not ti, screenshots of DOTA are boring and did I mention it isn't TI? Plus just cause u pause for the. Doesn't mean they will pause for you . Lots of people have lost games when they paused for the other team early and the other team Unpauses late for ur dc. Always unpause there is no honor in dota