General Discussion

General DiscussionAEGIS snatch

AEGIS snatch in General Discussion

    Mind to share how many aegis have u snatched?

    me myself, 46 aegis until now

    id: 103192912

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Among one of my earliest hero used to snatch aegis - clockwerk


          How can you have 2 rampage and 46 aegis snatch ?
          riki picker?


            Not really into invis hero, see this



              I used varities of heroes, but mostly the one who have the ability to jump in or using blink.

              U'll be suprise if i say most of the snatch were from techies.


                techies wtf, ns games nvr stop to amuse me


                  i think u put bomb at pit when enemy have no vision lul


                    Its easy actually, just put 1 green bomb inside roshan for vision!

                    Then u will just have to wait at the cliff with at least a blink.

                    The rest is just a matter of timing, timing, timing.


                      I also use clockwerk with his rocket for vision, then hook in.

                      With mirana, arrow for vision and ready to leap in.

                      Also with void, u can wait at the cliff, i know its dark without vision. But the trick is u just wait until u hear roshan is slain, then u gonna very quickly ulti in the pit to trap all the enemy, then steal it like a boss.

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                          side question but , why do lot of ppl seems to fanboy that sing sing guy? i checked his stream quite few times & hes obnoxious to say the least


                            literally 0

                            Dire Wolf

                              I only have one but what's weird is I didn't even snatch it. The other team was doing rosh and got him under half, then we showed up and wiped them, finished rosh and took aegis and it registered as a snatch.


                                ^one day guy:
                                sing sing does the job a lot of dota streamers should be doing: he amuses people by doing funny stuff and using childish phrases
                                its the same thing why people loved ronaldinho in football, he played mainly for the people doing random funny stuff with the ball

                                everybody in sports including esports is an entertainer in the first place
                                the phrase "ez" was there just to entertain people until a couple of kids started thinking that it means that they are better if they write it. No, kid, you are not better, you are becoming the joke and don't even know that.

                                Sing sing is actually one of the first pro's(I know of) who used these terms "ezest game of my life" just to mess around and it was funny.

                                Of course not everyone likes him, but if you are liked by everybody who knows you, you are probably a nobody anyway...
                                I think he is funny, one of the rare streamers who actually gives some value to their streams.


                                  sing sing is actually the sodapoppin of dota then, fair play to the lad

                                  to go back to the thread , i snatched the aegis only 2 times , the first one i forgot really ( it was long ago when i first started dota 8 month ago ) , the second was more recent i was playing riki my whole team died & i told them "ima steal this aegis" & took it xd

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    I've snatched it once as Sven. We were doing rosh and the enemy managed to get the last hit onto rosh with a Nuke somehow. Didn't even realise the enemy team had landed the killing blow onto rosh until I picked up the aegis and saw that it said I snatched it XD


                                      I've gotten a lot of snatch over the years .


                                        Nobody even goes to rosh before 35 min mark in NS except for ursa :(

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          STOP FUCKING NECROPOSTING YOU BRAINDEAD APES


                                            check mine 47483306. Got 59

                                            casual gamer

                                              bws just bully ur team into roshing at 25 min mark, instant 500 mmr rofl