General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh mmr games buy less wards

High mmr games buy less wards in General Discussion

    now that we have the item stat. i notice they dont buy that many wards. normal skill games i actually see supports buying shit ton of wards.

    the common fallacy. hmm


      can u link/screenshot it


        Probably because in normal skill people buy ward when they rage and don't plant it or use it on completely irrelevant places like in front of fountain

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          When I play in 5k +, believe it or not, I take advantage of this and it has won me a good amount of games.

          I notice supports in 5k + prioritize their items, and not vision / map control.

          So I put wards all over the map so my team can always avoid a gank, or so my team can gank an enemy.

          Yes it's nice to have utility items like Mek/force/glimmer on a support.

          But you know what is nicer?

          Keeping your team alive. Knowing where enemy is so u can gank them on the spot with a smoke and end the game, or take rosh or a tower.

          I see people all the time in high lvl games rush items instead of giving vision to their team, then their carry dies and it all couldve been avoided with a 65 gold obs ward.

          Yea sometimes.i end up underfarmed cu I ward too much. But the vision always keeps in the game. We won't get caught out and we can always gank to take an objective together.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            There are almost no supports at higher MMR. They are mid/carry players forced to support.


              actually u know what its probaBL Because of shorter games, and spending more money on smokes.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다