i am ns player so it is not the best advice but i think that you may want to consider more defensive items on ember (checking your games i guess some of them really needed bkb)
It's pretty hard to pinpoint and say "do this" in order to stop feeding, but honestly, it just takes time. If you just go into a game with the objective in mind "i'm going to try and not feed this game" eventually your ability to stay alive (i.e. decision making and game sense) will improve. That's how I did it at least.
It's almost natural now, but the things I can say for sure are, you have to stop and think about what can kill you, what combination of heroes, spells, or situations can kill you. Diving is always a bad idea, but it's very tempting to do when you're confident you can get a kill.
You have to be aware of the enemy heroes spells, their timings and check their mana, check their movements and see if they're trying to kill you with that spell (i.e. a juggernaut clearing a wave with bladefury, hes obviously trying to ult you or some shit like that). Check the map, try to keep in mind where those heroes with spells that can kill you might be.
You also have to be realistic and admit your defeat, let's say, when youre 1v1 as mid or offlaner, if the enemy mid or carry got an advantage and can right click you to death, just stay back and try to leech xp, and once you see a window of oportunity take it without killing yourself (diving, going 1v3, etc).
yuo may laugh but play all-bot matches. Pick squishy heroes. Play a match until you first die. Quit when you die no matter what. If you play some 10-20 such matches u'll understand what u're doing wrong. Play against unfair bots. They'll team up on 10th minute mark. Hope it helps
it's hard to say, but long story short:
know your hero's limits, and play to those limits
but never cross them.
I did that even before you said it and I just noticed how much that shit impacted my gamesense rofl
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I seem to have a very high death in all my games and there is hardly any guide covering this topic.. help please