General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get to top 100 of some heroes

How to get to top 100 of some heroes in General Discussion

    My brother has a MMR of 4k4 for a year now, yet he is in top 100 both Lina and Warlock
    My MMR has gone from 4k2 to 5k2, now 4k7, I mostly spam only Visage, sometimes Invoker, yet I'm not in the top 100 of both.
    What is the main factor of this calculation? How can I be in top 100 Visage?


      low winrate low mmr on a hero. HMM I WONDER.
      if u had 70% winrate maybe u could get there


        Invo player u say? Um sir who isnt playing invoker...
        And visage i dunno if there are a hundred ppl on dota who play hin so idk


          My brother only plays Lina and Warlock also, and his MMR is still not high, winrate about 52 to 55% same as my Visage


            you can see there...division hero points winrate number kda ...but 7k player with 100 games on hero will have more score than 4500 mmr player with 500 visages...division means alot next winrate and game played


              it's not based on mmr
              if u play a single high skill game your division will go down and you will probably lose top 100


                where is my blue fucking star

                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                    i had like 50 games with arc and 80-90% winrate and it instantly put me in top 100

                    winrate, matches and mmr count

                    but mostly mmr(division)

                    on the other hand, people in the PRO division get to be in top 100 no matter how bad they are at the hero.

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