General Discussion

General Discussionretards?

retards? in General Discussion
Retard Fucks, Go Die

    I don't understand how so often i play and get retards who decide to pick a hard carry for the offlane.

    Like my last game. sven offlane.. also didn't help that I had a jungle lc who went for a useless shadowblade.
    and a pudge who did nothing. like absolutely nothing. came to my lane and tried to take my cs and i'm a fucking clinkz.

    I seriously don't understand how this game gives me the most retarded fucking people.
    Like how do so many retards exist?


      Well thats your Rating. If u would be better you would not be there, its simple


        NS 30% winrate smurf

        need i say more?

        Hanamichi Sakuragi

          Valve specifically chose the IP address of your internet so that you would get matched with retards. Your fate has been sealed by Valve.

            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


              Retard Fucks, Go Die

                typical. more retards. i give up on this world. retard fucking central


                  Valve does give you retards. None of you know that since you wont ever carry someone,

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    and im here getting consistently matched with people that have a sub 50% winrate

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      you dont see me complaining... much...


                        ye seems like there is always have at least one retard on your team, im wondering why