General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat carry should I have picked or done differently? Tips appreciated

What carry should I have picked or done differently? Tips appreciated in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    Played as carrry yesterday and we got stomped to the ground. They picked PA and I got jugg, i find it a decent matchup. However we did quite bad in our lane against two tanky offlaners: SB and Ogre. Couldnt really focus on LH and keeping creep equilibrium. Still went for BF, but maybe I should have realised here that I should have opted for another route?
    Never felt I had room to split push since they just kept diving our team and the threat of SB.

    So I'm thinking what could I have done differently?
    Should I have gone for a more tanky carry like Sven? Or what itemization route?
    Lanes: me and SS safe, morph mid, WR off, enigma jungle.
    pa mid, WK rubick safe, SB ogre off.


      Your hero lineup is pretty farm reliant, battlefury was a poor choice.

      The common alternative is Manta+diffusal for a more teamfight oriented build going into mkb/bkb

      I like the jugg vs pa matchup as well but if she outfarms you there's not much you can do vs her individually in the midgame especially if her team is running around as 5


        Morph mid wr off enigma jungle. Sounds super fking greedy if u ask me. And u went battle fury against a high tempo lineup like PA and spirit breaker. I guess u didn't watch the mvp games in TI6?

        I mean farming up is good if u can successfully avoid fights. But seems a bit hard to do w ur greedy ass lineup. Definite needed an item build that allows u to fight more. Against a wk diffusal manta is definitely needed. U should have picked something else and let morphing carry in safe lane while wr plays mid. I hear jugg is good mid as well. Pretty sure morphling got raped and everyone got raped based on how yall chose ur heroes and lanes.

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          Thx for good input, I think manta, diffusal would have been better as you say. And yea I think we pretty much lost all lanes. I think morph was pretty decided on going mid with him. Yea I did see QO play PA mid this TI6 :) Maybe I should have gone something unconventional like a Timber safe or just void playing him more of a utility. But then again I dont think I would have been able to make that decision during drafting. Thx guys I think this would have been winnable if I didnt go for that BF and gone fighting build instead. And played my lane right, probably too aggresive against them.