General Discussion

General Discussionriki damage dealer item build?

riki damage dealer item build? in General Discussion

    is it good like that? Wraith Band-Treads-Diffusal-Yasha-Diffusal2&/Basher-Blink Dagger?? Change Wraith Band to Skadi/Butterfly if game not over and Manta?

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      Item build also depends on the game, this is the most used build you're talking about now and works most of the times.

      PS: Don't forget the infused raindrop, great item on riki!

      1000 xpm

        i only build diffusal, another diffusal and another diffusal


          yeah raindrop of course you always buy a lot of casual items like wind lace, blinght stone, oov wards etc

          ^that works too quite well actually

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              Treads/diffusal/sange&yasha/abyssal/butterfly/mkb or manta depending on the match




                  I can't play Riki as a carry anymore. He has no way of getting solo early kills unless he follows a jungler around. Until Riki gets treads diffusal it's extremely hard to get pick offs. Riki is a great roaming sup or if you can snowball hard then semicarry. But he can easily be forced out of lane, can't flash farm.
                  But that's just my opinion.


                    ^wtf re u talkin bout
           oh wait this is NS in NS Riki is to OP most players there dont know what sentary means


                        Riki gets huge power spike with diffusal until then he can only either kill with teamates or run into a lucky solo kill from a jungler


                          Riki dmg dealer hmmm rapier dagon sb eblade the phantom riki way,


                            Yeah you are right big bird but i'm talking about scenario when you can snowball and then semicarry xd

                            wraith band boots, maybe casual blade of alacrity gives him some early game kill potential though

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              all u need is diffusal+sabre+basher the rest is luxury


                                nah man echo sabre is a bit shitty item :D no (its not my main account hence my low winrate)

                                its situational - if you cant kill enemy without double hit in the smoke....

                                If you like ulti and not just the right click you won't be buying echo saber...

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                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Ma ass Echo Sabre syncs the best with Riki
                                  Look at the Blink CD and Ulti duration They're all around 4 secs
                                  The slow even helps you to make target stay in smoke
                                  Echo Sabre haven't been fucken nerfed despite the OPness OMFG somebody start a petition to remove Echo Sabre Hail Gaben!