General Discussion

General Discussionbest support ultra-late

best support ultra-late in General Discussion

    what do you think


      maybe winter wywern idk

      Dire Wolf

        Winter wyvern is very good, bkb busting ult that scales as the enemy team hits harder
        Dark seer is amazing cus those illusions will do so much work late
        Support necro cus eventually he will have aghs and make teams 4v5 almost immediately into a team fight
        Refresher tide, double ravage is still too much for most teams, tide doesn't really fall off
        Enigma, bkb buster and a scaling spell, he does almost the same dmg to teams at level 12 as level 25 since pulse is percentage

        I know many might disagree with this but I feel ogre is very good late too. First his bloodlust scales like crazy, 60 attack speed and 16% move speed is like a free yasha or better on everyone.

        Second with aghs he's got two nukes on a 6s cd, with just a 2x multicast he can do 990 and 4s of stun. And his burst potential is insane, if you get really lucky with a 4x multi that's 1100 dmg on unrefined fireblast. Basically once an enemy carry's bkb wears off ogre can light them up single handedly.


          Abaddon definetely

          PMS Mantra

            How late is 'ultra-late'?

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                hows this a fucking question


                  well i dont find the answer to it to be trivial.

                  a lot of supports can scale well to lategame

                  casual gamer

                    earthshaker, lion, naga, kotl's vision, disruptor aghs situationally

                    casual gamer

                      yeah ww is amazing^^ I don't think ogre is that good damage-wise but the low cd stuns can be high impact

                      jianbaby ♥♥

                        Check my profile. You'll get the answer. Courtesy of probably the most powerful Aghanim's upgrade in the whole game. No one else comes close. But I guess that's just me.

                        PMS Mantra

                          ^ How often do you play against Timber?

                          Edit: Not being sarcastic. Honestly wondering how viable an Agh Treant is atm with how often I have to go toe to toe with a Timber.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          jianbaby ♥♥

                            ^ No it's ok. I understand chainsaws got to be tree's worst nightmare even IRL.

                            I only played 4 times against Timber (75% WR).

                            I expect Treant vs Timber matchup to be more frequent as I climb to VH Skill (to my true ceiling), but knowing it's SEA server they will tend to play with prototypical mid heroes (Puck, Mirana, Invoker, SF, Tinker etc) rather than counter. I mean who fkng use resources on just countering a support, that's what they had in mind.

                            That being said, I'm just trolling with Agh's rush Treant, and it feels so good with every "ka-shing" I hear with just a single R press.

                            Story Time

                              silencer? anyone?


                                Like the 90% of the questions in this forum, the answer i think is "situational"


                                  The real answer is omni knight.

                                  Aghs, refresher, guardian greaves, Vlad's, boots of travel , Shiva's.

                                  Ur team is fucking staying a live


                                    kunka, it's the only support that can win a game in one hit in ultra late.


                                      How has no one mentioned Oracle?

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        Elder Titan.


                                          witch doctor obviously. Don't remember the Alliance vs NIP match where Alliance came back from mega creeps with wd+alch combo? Physical damage >>> magical dmg in the late game


                                            AA is the best in early mid and late game.



                                              jk, i think theres a lot support heroes can do well in late game but some are weak after lvl 16 above like lion, shaman, tusk, etc.


                                                will techies after agha be a nightmare ultre-late ??
                                                silencer also looks decent since he may switch to semi core with some serious right click dmg.
                                                depending on the line-up and the player's skill rubick also will be a monster.


                                                  Abadon Aghs Refresher AC Vlads Daedelus Divine RapieR Moon Shard BKB lopl


                                                    elder titan is strong


                                                      Pa, it's the only support that can win a game in one hit in ultra late

                                                        이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                          Why has nobody mentioned Shadow Demon? The Illusions spam is just disgusting with the right carry and can solo-win a game. Also a BKB piercing Slow with Break that comes with 3 charges isn't something you can ignore either. Shadow Poison doesn't scale amazingly but its still a lot of damage in it gets to 5 stacks. And Soul Catcher Scales really well too, despite being a bit unreliable.


                                                            Winter Wyvern, Vengeful Spirit, Abaddon, Kunkka, Visage, Pugna, Silencer, Tusk

                                                            When they got ultra late items, they can even rape cores.


                                                              night stalker, aa, shaker, or disruptor


                                                                sven support?
                                                                he has stun, armor buff+increase speed.
                                                                aghs god strength for team.

                                                                late game items.
                                                                guardian greaves, blink dagger, solar crest, aghanims, glimmer cape, refresher orb.


                                                                  This question can't really be answered.. there is no clear 'best' ultra late game support.

                                                                  It all really depends on the lineup of both teams

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    ^kejora if ur six slot build doesn't have travels you fucked up