General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what point is leaving a game an abandon?

At what point is leaving a game an abandon? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    If you fail to load that's not an abandon but you get a queue lockout penalty for some time period. If you load and then dc or leave is it always considered an abandon then, even if others haven't loaded yet or it's on picks screen? We just got on the picks screen, no picks yet, and my wife just got home and needed help unloading so I just disconnected my ethernet so it would timeout, figured I'd get a queue penalty not be put in low priority.


      You can leave at the loading screen before last person load, its called 'dodging' games and gets you a queue ban/timer but you cant do that on the picking screen cause at that point you are already in that game...

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      Dire Wolf

        ok I thought there was more leniency if it was during picks.


          as soon as you get into pick stage, your leave counts as abandon
          if you do dc during pick stage - before first blood and fail to load(maybe even after a few reconnects like you reconnect and then drop again), game is not counted and you're the only one who loses mmr


            what aout the 5 seconds in between everyone loading into the gamand the pick stage actually starting?


              ^ that counts as dodge and you will be marked as "fail to load" if you LEAVE (not only disconnect, then you'll have to go b or you get abandon)

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