General Discussion

General Discussionlow priority questions

low priority questions in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    This is only my second time in lpq due to an abandon I had to make for irl reasons and I'm so confused about how it works. Last time I was in as soon as someone abandoned you could leave and match wouldn't count of course but it was safe to leave after an abandon. Now a match started, someone left and we were losing by a ton so I hit dc but it said leaving the game would give me another abandon so I reconnected and let it finish. I figured this was a new change and a good one to keep players on both sides.

    But then a couple games later a player on the other side dc'd early. They did manage to log into the game at some point but were dc'd during picks, logged in for a minute maybe then dc'd for good. Eventually everyone left except for one LC who tried to 1v5 us until the very end when he said gg and left and of course match didn't count. My question is did they all get abandons or was that game safe to leave? It seems like bs that I would have to wait out an entire loss 4v5 and they could quit with no penalties.

    These are the games in question


      If everyone leaves in the enemy team It doesnt count If only 1 person stayed in the enemy team and you won It counts.
      As long as It is after first blood and without Poor network detected thingie It works the same
      Pro tip:If you have 5 lp you can abandon games with %100 newbs and feeders.
      But if you have less than 5 you'll get more lp when you leave

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        its actually a stupid ploy by valve, once someone abandons (either by leaving or inactivity) its safe to leave. However due to the large number of people complaining about 5 people leaving and game not counting, lpq games do not show the "game is safe to leave" green notifcation at the game screen, in order to fool people into not leaving the game. and ofc there are usually some people who dont know better and stay, but reality is that you can leave whenever you want.


          @weeb wrong It's never safe to leave in LP matches and you get more LP when you leave


            It says you will receive an abandon but you won't I dc after someone else does and nothing happens unless you abandon first


              .... lol ive played like 300+ lpq matches im pretty sure i know more than you.


                wtf is with your 'no stats recorded abusing' ^

                Dire Wolf

                  goddamnit valve tricking me. So once someone leaves and I'm way behind just bail?

                  Can you actually be matched with non lpq players when you are lpq? That's really weird.

                  I have also noticed the mmr spread is huge compared to my normal matches, getting 1000 mmr ranges.


                    So many newbs play with their friends to get out of single draft.
                    So yes people that are not in lp can play and even get exp,drop from the match

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