General Discussion

General Discussionwhy am i still in NS bracket?

why am i still in NS bracket? in General Discussion
何ができる? 🌌

    please can someone help me with this
    or should i keep playing and eventually i will get to HS > VHS?
    (is it true that first 10 games is crucial? or its just a lie?)

    this is my account:

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Keep it up, Game impact the Way to raise High bracket

      何ができる? 🌌

        @wizard so that 1st 10 games is a theory?

        casual gamer

          I wish it worked that way for me rofl ^ I get vhs game 1 fuck

          Riguma Borusu

            stop fucking smurfing


              Get good

              The penetrator

                lol u played dazzle for the first 10 games

                u need to stomp the games very hard, with high impact heros

                try playing storm or ember and go 30-0 with over 900 gpm then u will go straight to VHS within 5 games on a new account


                  git gud

                  何ができる? 🌌

                    @abandon od youre not helping at all, and dont order me what to do.

                    何ができる? 🌌

                      @quadrape does 1st 10 games really that important ? uhhmm is there any chance i should get to vhs bracket soon?

                      Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                        what is so fun in VHS basket? I don't understand


                          ^becuz they want higher mmr?

                          COME BACK

                            im at HS bracket now but im from VHS bracket
                            how did it happen?

                            何ができる? 🌌
                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                              suck dick for pma

                                you are not better than 3200 mmr

                                Professor Dog

                                  Ummm your main isn't in hs so clearly you're not hs... but you expect to be vhs?


                                    Lol plays dazzle 11 games in a row and expects vhs


                                      G I T G U D

                                      何ができる? 🌌

                                        @IEATASS atleast im still better than you


                                          @KoroSensei being better than me is not enough to get VHS

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Something good out of a dumpster is still a trash
                                            Let's face it
                                            We're all dogshit and won't improve unless we know that we're shit and start to fix our gameplay
                                            This is why alot of people are stuck in NS even after 2000 play hours
                                            Shit attitude,and thinks smurfing is the only way to get to VHS


                                              ^^ damn right lul. U must be the guys who look for walkthrough every time u get bumped in single player games.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                                Farm faster?

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  tldr; because you belong there


                                                    lmao @Cookie


                                                      There is no easy way to get VHS
                                                      Some people might get lucky and stays in VHS although they don't belong there, but luck won't keep them off from doing shit during calibration and gets kicked back to the garbage club


                                                        hey fam dont worry. High skill is the same as normal skill. It is okay to be ns a lot of 4ks are complete shit too. just keep playing and itll be good


                                                          git good

                                                          #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                                            Try getting a rampage or get 25-0 , but if you play like shit you'll go back to NS

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              dota 2 has detected that you have absolutely no clue how to fucking farm and deserve normal skill


                                                                Doto hard game


                                                                  26 kills on slark and only 600 gpm , ye u deserve NS bracket

                                                                  ppl need to understand that its not their fucking KDA or winrate that determines their skill bracket or calibration mmr , its ur fucking gpm xpm TD HD & the timing in which u get ur core items, if u had 26 kills in a game but only fucking 600 gpm it means u just wanked around in between ur kills & u were not efficient in ur farming , u just farmed from kills & thats not how u play slark & u deserve NS ty

                                                                  inb4 im a normal skill too , yeah but unlike u i get HS in every smurf account in my 2nd game but i want to climb on this one

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다