General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on offlane with Timbersaw

Tips on offlane with Timbersaw in General Discussion

    Specifically, how do you beat a lane consisting of lets say kotl,moprh,ogre and the supports never leave the lane. It's soo frustrating staying at level 1 for 3-5 mins. What do you guys do? Do you sit and pray for the supports to rotate so that you get close to sap exp? or just buy iron talon jungle(which i never tried with timbersaw).


      Mb you can drag a creep to you and just stack up your passive and make you a bit harder to be harassed and try to go near to get exp . If u cant even do that mb u can just go jungle iron talon . Just my opinion


        nah man, Lets say they have supports like sky or disrupt trying to aggro the creeps will just result in death, but thnx anyway for your input

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You can't do shit in that lane. Don't pick Timber into those heroes and if they picked after you, go mid instead or suffer.


            @sam, alright thnx

            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

              The trick about aggressive trilanes who camp the offlaner is to actually stay as long in your lane as possible without dying, or at least try to minimize your deaths. You have to realise that as long as those two are trying to harass you out of lane; they are sapping a huge amount of exp from their carry, they aren't stacking/pulling to up their efficiency and they aren't rotating to other lanes. Don't be afraid to purchase extra regen once in lane and don't go greedy starts such as purchasing the soul ring recipe. Most other things are hero dependent and you need to get a feel for it, such as vs Disruptor you need to be aware where you can be glimpsed to and be sure it wont be a bad spot, just think 4 seconds ahead. Sky is indeed more annoying since he doesn't rely on auto attacks to harass you out of lane, get a magicstack ASAP into soulring, after that raindrops and you should be gucci. There will always be extremely obnoxious trilanes who completely zone you out at start as you didn't get a good block and Timber is indeed someone who suffers from it since he cant go back to the woods, but thats also part of the hero, extremely strong when gaining an advantage but his decent start dependency makes him also more risky, and you shouldn't pick him in these situations or ask for a dual lane...


                @pablo, damn dude thats pretty good advice right there, I guess your right, the offlane might lose but atleast the two other lanes have a higher chance of winning since the supports won't rotate.


                  Who is the safest offlaner vs trihard trilanes ? Eg they pick lion sven kotl and it's your turn to pick offlane


                    Timber is one of the best offlaner aside from faceless void/sk/cw/ul. The reason this set up is being practice were( 1.your safelane carry will farm efficiently,a safelane was fucked up if they cant zone offlaner or kill him.)
           offlaner your main objective ( isn't to have farm,you're there to leech xp from your camp and creeps . better stack your camp while waiting enemy creeps to get near tower 3,3-5 creeps waves to suffer).
                    3.once you get your level 6,rotate to safelane and push as a 4man squad. As a offlaner timber 2-1-2-(ulti) .. Anyway i am one of the best support kunka you will meet at SEA. Ban my kunka or ban slark,axe,( once i get kunka,i auto ping mynteam to pick slark safe,offlane axe. Ez game.


                      just think about how their other lanes are/should be? suffering and rejoice in ur simple survival. If ur other lanes are getting fucked then buy a revolver, put it to ur head and pull the trigger, or leave dota for a while, its fkn toxic


                        @crappy, thnx for the tips man, hoping to play against you someday and If that happens i will auto ban your kunka xD
                        @Santana, I loled haha, yah dota is pretty toxic at any skill lvl especially at sea server


                          Lets play party mmr one of these days adi.


                            wun adi, nukayat mo ket mabalin nubigat, 9 engana 6 ak ag online


                              Domingo adi.hehe

                              2k indog monkey

                                Omg an english speaking pinoy


                                  @crappy, mabalin, 9am engana 6 ak manen, apay wada klasem nubigat? haha , post mo friend id mo ladta ittoy
                                  @RussianPinoy, ez english kappa

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Day off adi, paper work . Domingo adi 9-5


                                      @russian pignoy . I can send you to school for free English lessons. Basic English 101 will be able to make comprehensive.


                                        Ah cge, I'll add you with my main acc,

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          yawa mga tagalog ning tanan yati mamalikas nalang ta wala bitaw kasabot mga bogok mo tanan walai utok mga utin gagmay


                                            Bisaya be like 2k mmr gaming. Literal 2k pinoy monkey haffy.


                                              @haffy, you pertaining to the tagalog people or to us? if you are pertaining to us, okitnam ka nga bisaya ka, nagtatabed kayu amin nga ag dota dakayu ti cancer nu ag rank ak, babaldog ayayyam yu. ayshe amamtam

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                Copy adi, boost ko lng solo mmr ko sata agparty mmr. Xd


                                                  Bay am dayta adi 2k mmr .high ego low skilled.hahaha


                                                    @coco, haha triptrip lang mut aha, geh ngarud


                                                      Hahaha. Domingo ibatim ID number mo adi ta tbd ak party .


                                                        353218493 daytoy manong haha

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          basically everyone who does not talk bisaya is immediately a tagalog in my eyes. i can recognize the words and know that they are not in filipino language, but i dont know which particular dialect it is part of. calling them tagalog is more convenient.

                                                          di gyud ko kasabot sa imong ga ingon pero mutuo nalang ko nga mga insulto imong gimpang sulat. kung inguna.ana man diay yawa ka




                                                              it doesn't matter what ur hero is, if the enemy has 2 supps in lane who are also good at zoning, u just gotta farm the nearby camp and wait for creeps to get under ur tower. I wouldn't recommend abandoning the offlane completely bcuz this gives their supps space to roam and mess with other lanes.


                                                                @haffy, pls dont associate me(an igorot) with them pls, it's funny We live in one country, we are one race, yet still we are somewhat racist/have negative stereotypes towards each other. we are truly the cancer of sea ez kappa


                                                                  Hahaha, high ego adi uray noob.

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    sorry @kelly (shit that's a gayass name) didnt mean to sound stereotypical, i just explained why my lack of cultural knowledge led me to create a generalization for things which i didnt know and tried to equate with what i do know

                                                                    too many indigenous people who havent really integrated themselves into the national community, im a bit young so i dont know what to call them

                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                      You guys are making me thibk that racism in Indonesia looks ok
                                                                      One race and there is still racism wtf

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        tbh i wouldnt be surprised if there was a whole community of people living in the deep and massive forest areas of mindanao, and we only found them because we were looking for resources


                                                                          THE HERO PLAYS ITSELF


                                                                            @hafy dafuq dude, kelly is my last name, you hurt my feelings :C lel kappa, lol the only people living in forest areas of mindanao the abu sayyaf/isis supporters
                                                                            @RussianPinoy, yah dude, pnoy cancer ez

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              better to get hurt with the truth and improve, rather than stay safe living a lie and stay as you were for 10 years

                                                                              idk how you can improve a name lmao anyways sorry i thought it was a given name. even then it doesnt make it any less shitty haha


                                                                                ^ thuglife engrish gibberish. Ayusin mo muna pag aaral mo bata. Cancerous grammar errors.


                                                                                  @kelly I'm not gonna bother reading all this comments but I see that this @Crappy Coco commented so Im just here to tell you to ignore that retard, all he does is insult and be trash at dota.

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    jesus christ shitty coco wtf do you want. if you want actual readable shit go on a blogpost or something, this isnt the place for you to wave around your epenis that youre so proud of

                                                                                    besides i can only see one grammatical error in my previous comment, if youre too dumb to fill in the blanks youre the one who needs more education

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      eks dee dee i can attest to that


                                                                                        Come back once you got 3 prc licenses😂


                                                                                          @robin triggered ta spammer ,wannabe top 100 ta .haha

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            wow your epenis so big

                                                                                            tell me more about your perfect life


                                                                                              Nevermind kid,just touch your small stick better😀


                                                                                                Bisaya 2k gaming. Not yet triggered😂??

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  whats funny though is that the guy who lightly suggested that he has 3 prc licenses is arguing with a kid in a forum for a game

                                                                                                  sounds like life hasnt been all that good for you man. its so sad the you resort to go and try being an "alpha" and hide under the safe guise of anonymity cuz you know you cant take the backlash of your cowardly efforts of trying to stroke your ego

                                                                                                  no one needs your shit, and i just remember youre the lil shit sucking up to cookie tryna get a free calibration lmao


                                                                                                    Small kid brain but reality your older than i am😂


                                                                                                      Im trolling on cookie 😂 . Eu is the easiest region to calibrate at max cap. Nvm you'll never understand logically.