General Discussion

General DiscussionGG Sea cancer server

GG Sea cancer server in General Discussion

    Seriously screw all those wanna be carries who cant farm for shit and junglers soo retardted. Axe jungle goes vangaurd b4 blink fuck you. Screw mid players who have no map awareness who always bitch and whine. GG im done with this server time to go back to us west. fuck this game


      And your mom


        True sea server is the worst ull ever get where mmr is really just a no. Coz a 4 k player too will be shit :)
        A lc yesterday dint get bkb evem after having sk tidy od qop against her and made all other shit worth 5000 gold but no bkb :) thats how sea server is:)


          ^^sick burn fam, anyways time to play again at us west


            SEA will make you stronger mate..
            Your PMA will be tested..
            Sometimes I feel like a masochist for still playing in Sea server..:)


              Only ull get high blood pressure nothing else :(

                이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                  Endure the game and be optimistic. No pain,no gain.


                    yeah you guys are right, should just calm down, just got massively tilted when the axe went jungle and went vanguard first. fuq dat guy


                      Rally your team to victory, low 4k-5 k plebs just got an issue on their ego. Before the game start i usually encourage my team to be cooperative and stay up high. Once you bark/trashtalk your feeder mid/offllane you eventually decreasing the chance of winning. Its easy to come back in just ONE GOOD CLASH.


                        As long as one lane is snowballing ( your safelane for sure).
                        Be optimistic, continue to do your job. That axe tilt and triggered your play? Pause the game, off dota2 audio ( open YouTube, this song will get you high." The song of the golden dragon " by estoeas stone and "ocean" by john butler. Thank me later for my secret calming recipe😂

                        2k indog monkey

                          Open dotabuff and check some shitposts to calm you down

                          inst:  MissMissclick

                            dude i played against an axe who for half the game was jungling and went vanguard first so he couldnt fight. he got blink ssecond but still didnt fight. then he got blade mail and we lost. rofl