General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to mid with jugger??

How to mid with jugger?? in General Discussion

    I need a detailed guide if any one uses jugg rather than safe lane and is good at mid :)
    I have got good stats in safe lane wanna try mid too i need item build and skill builds in mid (if any of it differs from safe lane)
    Ty :)

    doc joferlyn simp

      bumping this to see if i can add any more to my own jugg plays

      recently ive had lots of success with PMS + pooled tangoes + faerie fire + ironwood or PMS + your own set of tangoes

      dont be afraid to trade hits with enemy mid your tangoes for both cases should be enough, as for the pooled tangs + branch make a happy tree and eat it, remember it lasts twice as long so utilize that to play aggressively unless playing vs a lane bully like a huskar or a viper. however do not neglect last hits and they should be your first option. what i like to do vs a melee is just hit them from the start, turn to lasthit a creep. with range enemies just pull aggro

      depending on the matchup either get qb vs a pudge or a mid that has high base dmg or qb. if youre confident with your laning skills get straight bottle. most of the time you wont be getting a roa if you get a bottle, jugg has simple needs at simple amounts bottle will be enough. roa would be overkill but get it if you have enemy mid that frequently pushes the lane like wr or sf

      never randomly use your bladefury just for the lolz, on early levels its cd is quite long and your mana cant sustain it. use it to push the lanes during spawn timings, its waveclear potential is one of the best as it can kill the whole creep wave quite fast

      skillbuild qeqwqrqwwwreee stats r, max spin first then ward into crit. never deviate from that order, maybe max ward first for early push strats but make sure you have the sustain in your team

      you should win every mid matchup and you should fare well even vs a pa get a wand early and a bottle, push lane as often as you can since she has no innate wave clear. compete for runes if she goes on your and your ult off cd its a kill

      do similar aggressive stuff vs other mids, but be wary of supports off map even though its not often in lower brackets if they have a few working brain cells they might pay you a visit

      doc joferlyn simp

        well as many people would gladly point out im 2k so take my advice with a tub of salt


          ^solid tips, I wonder why you were place at 2k mmr, you seem to have good general knowledge about the game, maybe you still need to work on your mechanics. To op, be aggressive in lane and force your opponent mid to use his regen, since you have healing ward, trading hits wont be a problem. This way you will dominate your lane. Gank when you have a good rune, preferably haste or invi. Once you hit 6, you can pretty much solo kill the enemy midlaner.

          Item build that I usually go for are: phase,aquila,manta,difusal. that's pretty much your core item build, you can go dag if you want to initiate.

          doc joferlyn simp

            was calibbed at 1.4k no kappa


              Your juggernaut winrate increases faster than my MMR no kappa

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Mid jugg is not good. Pro players do that because of the correct picking of heroes. Pub game is different.

                Ram Ranch

                  It's situational, if you're just playing for fun and want to test it go ahead but the pros do it for very specific reasons and even then most pro teams dont mid jugg it's just a few... if you want to raise mmr just take a more standard mid hero that you can control the game with.