General Discussion


Fox McCloud

    So Windows 10 updated itself (again) on me earlier today. Usually it presented no problems but ho boy, this time i was in a world of hurt.

    First of all, I realised it reinstalled the XBox app I deleted. Nothing much to say there, I just deleted it again with Powershell.

    Then, I opened Dota 2, and to my dismay my fps has dropped from 100-110 to about 60. My game also seems to stutter occasionally now. Nothing I could do to fix it.

    I tried :

    1) Lowering my display settings.
    2) Updating my Nvidia drivers.
    3) Rechecking every Windows 10 tweak you could possibly do to maximize performance (as I did before this god-awful update)
    4) Rechecking if my laptop was plugged in (it was.)
    5) Restarting my laptop 5 times.

    Nothing. Heck even dropping all of the video settings to 2010 potato PC standards did nothing to my fps. It's as if it's currently capped at 60. And yes, I did turn VSync off.

    Anyone of you experiencing the same problem after a recent Windows 10 update? Is there anyway I can recover this (noticeable) drop in fps and stuttering? Thanks.

    Oh, and laptop specs:
    Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 960M
    Intel Core i7
    Windows 10 64-bit


      I know what you mean. Ive experienced this same issue on a desktop so we can confirm its not a laptop problem. Really hope it gets fixed soon.


        You deserve it for installing win 10 in the first place


          i fixed issues and disabled updates

          they're cancerous


            Running win 10 with latest build with no problems you mentioned, sorry to hear you have them :/


              Had to go back to an older Windows because my computer would freeze because of the update I did yesterday. GG

              Johnny Rico

                w7 is far superior, dx12 is not even big yet, no reason to update for w10.

                Fox McCloud

                  I was expecting more ... helpful replies.

                  One interesting thing though - i opened overwatch to see whether or not it was also affected, and IT WASN'T. It ran as well as it did before the windows update.

                  Only Dota 2 changed for the worse.

                  So at the very least if no one knows a fix can someone at least tell me what could be going on?

                  Dire Wolf

                    How do you disable updates in win10? I thought you could only delay them.


                      This happened to me when windows updated to version 1607.
                      Going back to the previous version fixed it for me
                      Edit: Going from 1607 (Anniversary edition) back to version 1511 (or 1507 if you want)

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Fox McCloud


                        How do u go about doing that? Is it as simple as a button click (will i have to reinstall and backup things?)

                        And after i do the revert, how do i prevent it from updating itself again?


                          never go full window

                          I have a laptop with W10 and it is fucking cancer.


                            Windows 10 is the fastest OS after you disable all of Microsoft's Tracking shi*t. It would be the lightest Windows OS, except their built in stuff takes up internet bandwidth and PC resources. Just turn it all off and enjoy.

                            Also, install ClassicStart from Ninite.

                            Ez. Gg.


                              Settings -> Update & Security -> Recovery
                              You should see the option to go back to an earlier build
                              I had no issues going back but since this windows we're talking about, it doesn't hurt back up your important files before attempting to revert builds

                              Once you get back to your previous build
                              Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services
                              Find windows update, right-click on the process, click properties and choose disabled

                              Fox McCloud


                                Any tech wizards caring enough to explain this situation? It boggles my mind how one game could be affected while others are left untouched.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Dire Wolf

                                  Idk dude my iphone wouldn't connect to my win10 pc after an update. The device manager kept listing an error code that drivers wouldn't load. The phone and cable worked fine on other pcs and my wifes still worked. A few updates later it fixed itself. So weird stuff just happens. I had my start menu stop working once, I had right clicking my desktop lock up my pc. Just weird things occur.

                                  Fox McCloud

                                    Update : after going back to my previous windows build, problem was fixed.

                                    The problematic update was build 1.607.

                                    Would there be any reason why a sane man would want future Windows 10 updates though?


                                      No sane man would update their Windows, no matter which version
                                      Be it XP, vista, 7, 8, or whatever, Windows update has always been cancerous and annoying as fuck


                                        Any new features that might interest you, security patches, etc

                                        apparently, 1607 reinstalled (if you uninstalled it) the xbox app and sets the in-app game recording feature to on by default


                                          dunno man I have letest version and I have no problems I still get same fps I had before.


                                            I've been on the anniversary edition for a while, no problems after updating Nvidia drivers. That problem is really weird. It really does sound like something is artificially capping your FPS at 60. I don't think the Dota client itself has any options to limit FPS, but Steam or your graphics card program might. (No idea how something like that might have gotten turned on though.)

                                            You say you tried Overwatch and it wasn't affected? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Overwatch is a Steam game, so try another Steam game if you have and see if it also shows those problems. If so its definitely something with Steam. Otherwise I don't know what could cause it.

                                            BTW 60 FPS isn't that bad. I play at a steady 40 and used to play at 20 on my old Laptop (which was horrible but still playable). The stuttering sounds really annoying though.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Unless your monitor is 120hz then you can't tell the difference between 60 and anything over 60 anyway.