General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat counters PA?

What counters PA? in General Discussion

    Phantom Assassin being first pick spammed in nearly every game, what heroes counter her?

    Massive Dynamic

      Timbersaw, Morphling, Lina, Luna, Terrorblade, Lion, Bane. Most nukers really. Obviously there are problems once she gets bkb but some of the above heroes can deal with that (Lina with Aghs, Bane.) As long as you pick a muker and take advantage of your power level/window of opportunity in the early to mid game, she should be far enough behind to not be an issue.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        MKB, blademail


          shes at errible hero thats really good against heros that sit there and get whacked by her


            so its more helpful to make a list of what not to pick:
            those r the ones that come to mind but theres a lot of other heroes that are nice against her.




                Pudge my love

                Riguma Borusu

                  lc and axe with blademail


                    whoever with ability to save allies or disable enemies.
                    ghost scepters, force staffs, glimmers, euls.


                      sfn dhjnfdiogtdogh[gl[p kopghkgfp0 k,pogfbjhgh kj

                      Dire Wolf

                        pick a bunch of disables and nukes and go buttfuck her lane. Silver edge, blade mail, mkb, bloodthorne to a lesser extent, all destroy her.

                        I used to like razor vs her, he can drain all her dmg early game and since she gets slowed by unstable current and takes damage any time she uses dagger or blink on him. PA at lvl 12 with deso, aquila, vlads, bkb and phase boots has 213 dmg. Razor can drain up to 231. And she can't dodge razor's ult and it's physical dmg so it goes through bkb. Level 2 eye of the storm can do 2700 dmg, more than enough to take her out. Now this was before PA's dagger change buff when I used to roll with this guy. She might pressure him too much early and he might be too easy of a kill around level 6, before he can max out link and current, but a smart razor ought to be able to kite her and kill her with ult mid game.


                          morph vs pa matchup is very close to impossible for pa
                          magic damage is very strong, as well as having tanky supports
                          ogre is a very good example

                          BSJ. LGD

                            dagon counters pa bruh


                              morph cant kill pa so this matchup can go both ways, pa is much more uptempo than morph is

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Did you just say morph can't kill PA? Rofl. Well, he won't kill her, he'll eat her alive.


                                  Heroes that you mention to not pick against PA isn't exactly countered by her anyway
                                  Mostly 50-50 with equal skill or 55-45 PA favored at best


                                    What are you talking about pa can shut down all of them except invoker, but she does pretty good in 1v1 mid vs him


                                      yes thats exactly what i said morphling cannot kill phantom assassin pre eth blade

                                      and pa versus invoker isnt a playable matchup for invoker whatsoever. u have to go jungle around lvl 3/4


                                        then for the rest of the game if pa blinks on u ur food and if pa is running at your team and you like she will cuz shes a hero hitter u just lose


                                          Counter?... DOOOOOOOOOM!!!


                                            Pick Sven, get mkb, destroy PA in a few swings... Also his High armor makes PA's crit alot weaker and counters a deso..

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            Mode adiman

                                              mkb, early game magical dmg

                                              Rektdalf the White

                                                She melts against arc warden with mkb


                                                  Silver Edge

                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo


                                                    The DarKNovA

                                                      Come on, Morph is so much stronger physically PA won't have much of a chance to kill Morph.
                                                      Even worst case where he has to run, he won't be eaten in a short time, and will be able to stun her with max adaptive.


                                                        Axe counters her in teamfights, but on lane necessarily

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          I always play Medusa vs pa.

                                                          I <3 lady music

                                                            pa is bad vs magic dmg and blademail.


                                                              get hard carries


                                                                - be a 25 min morph with 1 strength
                                                                - have no luck and already used ghost scepter
                                                                - get 2 crits from pa in a row
                                                                Thats why KR says it's not so one sided matchup you need to overextand your thinking. Sometimes you're just too low and one crit is enough

                                                                The DarKNovA

                                                                  Well yeah, but in that case morph's biggest enemy is the crit dagger.
                                                                  When he has 1 strength, chances are he also has 70% physical damage reduction, so a 1k crit does 300 damage.
                                                                  While not unthinkable that a slow thinking morph gets killed before he can react, or even a fast thinking morphling, chances are he is the one who will overpower PA, he's so much more resourceful and strong physically speaking.


                                                                    There is no way to counter PA. She counters herself


                                                                      a monkey king bar


                                                                        Finally someone in my tier XD.

                                                                        Get Axe or LC, rush blademail (yes i mean it) because most pa players (NS tier) will overextend to kill you. When that happens, call and bm (axe), or press the attack (especially if ur health is running low) bm and duel (lc).

                                                                        Just be aware for her crit and dagger when ur blademail is on cd.

                                                                        After u got blink, the game is over for her, unless she had an active satanic, which is a rare build these days.


                                                                          any hero with a silver edge

                                                                          Tausug Dota♡

                                                                            cm with BF


                                                                              wouldnt be surprised to see gyro and sven being picked more. Sven espeically dumpsters PA hard