General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do as a carry when your team is irrilevant during team fight ...

What to do as a carry when your team is irrilevant during team fight and late game? in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    What could I do as a carry in this match?
    I have at the end 6k gold but couldn't go out of base and buy items because 5 man gank.
    I should have stack more ancients but they keep warding it and my team keep feeding during mid-game(sniper fed 10 deaths and bristle 9 slark).
    So what a carry can do if his team doesn't support him or doesn't help him during team fight?


      same thing you've been doin so far


      nothin else, no need to stop doin it


        You can buy items that don't need secret shop. S&Y or Bloodthorn for example.

        Teamwork is the key

          I got like 2 ultrakill almost a rampage and boughtback two times,I fucked up when I wanted to go check the jungle alone and got caught by Slark. I mean since the start I was agaist an Axe and Spectre dual lane but I managed to overcome the problem. But when a Slark start to snowball so hard how can I handle stop him from doing it?
          Anyway I played carry because I always get stupid carry while I play offlane/support

          Teamwork is the key

            I was already slot starved and I needed just the fucking platemail for the AC. I could even get a Satanic but stupid slark was there all the time after they got 2 lanes of racks(I saw him thanks to a ward).

            casual gamer

              slit ur wrists basically, nothing else you can do

              ur best bet is to sneak in rax while theyre on the other side of the map and hope they panic and don't trade rax or tp back and kill you


                It's not always a good idea to follow default itembuild.

                Teamwork is the key

                  I know but bloodthorn wasn't so good that match.Invoker could euls himself ,Axe had gg boots, Slark is Slark and Spectre was irrilevant all the game long. Everything that I could have bought needed the secret shop and when I told my team to accompany me to go there nobody wanted to so fuck that man. Had the same items for like 15 minutes and 6k gold when I died.. feel bad man