General Discussion

General DiscussionHow am I supposed to play omni knight as position 5 support?

How am I supposed to play omni knight as position 5 support? in General Discussion
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    I randomed him once and tried my best to replicate my PMA lord siractionslacks + spectated games wisdom, but 5k strat is too much for normal skilled scrub like me to handle.

    I mean single target burst heal which deals pure dmg + free bkb + physical dmg immunity sound like descent team fight hero, but to actually turn the tide he needs tons of exp and some gold. And it seems like diffusal blade on agility core seems to be trending anyway, making his ult not so effective at all.

    Lack of hard lock down means he cannot reliably gank other lanes early so only way to farm up would be counter initiate if enemy ganks your core or hope your enemy's retarded enough not to force fight before you come online.

    Wouldn't it be better to lane him in offlane as not-that-greedy utility hero who can survive most of early gank scenarios and pressure enemy core if enemy fails to deal with?

    His 60% win rate seems so unreal to me especially with more efficient and strong support like shadow demon & oracle. Can anyone enlighten me, I'd really appreciate it.

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      Omni died on the Day when first 1k scrub noticed his shit is purgeable

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        at least your enemy did not have any purge in your last omni game Kappa


          Yes and my Team had No carry.


            U dont initiae though some omnis just run at people. U stay out of sight, let others bait, let others initiate eg. Slark or axe, where u can ezily pull off your pure dmg nuke.

            And diff has 8 charges not 50. U cant spam diff but u can spam repel.

            Also a pos 4 omni jungler with iron talon is amazingly good. U farm very fast with that.

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              stick to ur cores, stay behind them, dont let them die. u dont rly need items for that.


                Tell your carries to buy linken too
                RIP diffusal charges


                  Linkens on urself us pretty good
                  Ask your carry to keeppushing out waves so you can stack pull easy and carry stack pull hard, need lots of xp on this hero


                    Unless you think you can zone then buy oov with degen


                      Just run after one of your most sane teammates and spam Repel on him.