General Discussion

General DiscussionNew faceless void offlane

New faceless void offlane in General Discussion

    How are all the faceless void players feeling about the nerf, idc that much cause all it means is you need to be more skilled. Hopefully it will make less people play him.


      all it means is you need to be more skilled



        oh nvm i just noticed ur solo mmr


          Thanks dude but have you read the actual update or are you making assumptions


            Standard build is maxing bash, followed by maxing time walk and leveling ult when possible. I don't see it having an extreme effect, sometimes I'll skip w and go for
            Stats lol. It's so so


              Nice la


                Question do you think terror ladies any good offlane?




                    ^As a counter to AM?...

                    casual gamer

                      void offlane still rlly good i think, dilation still amazing against slark, antimage, ember etc

                      you just cant land a blink 5 man dilation and have everyone crawling at 210 ms 3 seconds later


                        500 mmr rO FL


                          what in the world

                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                              big nerf

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                good shit xD

                                ?.Stock @zzo

                                  The nerf is there, but actually chrono is still chrono and they didn't affected its survivability on time walking, so I guess it will remain a stable pick after all.


                                    I say linken will get picked up more
                                    1 spell blocked = 1 guaranteed spell yo freeze
                                    Vlad only gives lifesteal

                                    casual gamer

                                      vlads is awesome you take those mean words back


                                        Idk man I haven't played since the last update
                                        But by the paper linken seems to be better for the hero compared to vlad after the nerf

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          I mean vlads is a 2k gold item and linkens is in the high 4k - low 5k gold regions i believe. I mean of course linkens sbud give more, but earlier its easier to hit vlads and itll give a bigger inpact imo

                                          Full Давай

                                            If void's team can deal enough of damage inside chrono it would be efficient to build utility void with vlad + blink + scepter( + diff).

                                            If void has to actually hit enemies RoA + linken + diff + manta seems more logical.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Bigger impact as u can start making said inpact earlier

                                              casual gamer

                                                team items for mein team

                                                vlad lets me rosh with teammates way way earlier

                                                vlad diffu is barely more expensive than naked linken and gives 9999x more utility and damage, diffu is more reliable defensively than linkens anyway

                                                i wouldnt ever get linken on offlane void tbh

                                                Full Давай

                                                  idk offlane void with linken is bit greedy but this time dilation nerf might force him to build it in some situations.

                                                  ARC WARDEN

                                                    dont go offlane void if ur enemy carry is anti mage.


                                                      Did icefrog himself nerf his mmr?

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        offlane void does more than fine against antimage actually

                                                        Full Давай

                                                          as long as AM doesn't go vanguard first

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            ^ then am just threw the game away rofl

                                                            and void still does fine anyway??? just sit at 0 mana with mango + headdress and ur fucking immortal

                                                            once you hit 6 you are probably going to leave lane and go rape OR have ur supports rotate and kill am anyway so you win no matter what


                                                              This jdf8 arguments is so good coz he is 5k solo mmr
                                                              Sht up you pinoy 2k mnkey-puppey-

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                I really do think void is fine after this nerf, his core strengths are still as strong as they were and chrono remains one of the best spells in the game

                                                                the heroes that always get hit hardest is when u nerf their strengths at all stages of the game I E, sniper lose agi gain, shrapnel gains a delay, shrapnel charges take 10 yrs to recharge. troll lost 15 fucking damage and flying vision on his axes and I think there was a mana nerf. void just lost 4? base damage, 10s cd on ult, and a small nerf to time dilation

                                                                at any rate I'm not having any problem winning games with him