General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about lc

question about lc in General Discussion

    Max skill 1 or skill 3 and 4 first??? Coz i dont really good with that hero to be honest

    フェイタン ポートオ

      Max attributes 1st


        if you're a mid/offlane you max 1st ability

        if you're a jungle you max 3rd ability

        Hatsune Miku

          theres no need to max 3rd skill even if you jungle, leaving it at lvl 2 is fine while you max your press. Youre going to rush blink anyway


            Thanks for ur advice guys really appreciate it

            Riguma Borusu

              ^lvl 4 MoC gives you more DPS if you manage to duel people among creeps, but less DPS unless you're getting hit by a few people during duels, so that's something to think about

              I go 0 3 3 1 by lvl 7 in jungle because it has the right balance between DPS from your attacks and DPS from them attacking you (which you want)

              Hatsune Miku

                do you know what yourre talking about? moc is the same on all lvls, the only difference is the amount of hp they lifesteal. you dont get any kind of dps from it apart from that 25% double attack


                  ^You are retarded. The cooldown decreases from 2.3 to .8 seconds, so it procs more often, giving you more DPS.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  Hatsune Miku

                    just because it has a lower cd it means it will proc


                      ? IDK what you are trying to say with that, but you are wrong.

                      Hatsune Miku

                        how am i wrong lmao, can u keep moc procing in duel? they barely have any atk speed pre10 mins and duel only last 4 seconds lvl 1


                          Your DPS on average will increase with each level of MoC, in every situation but especially in the situation Abbadon All Hope described where you have a lot of creeps attacking you while you duel. You seemed to ignore that bit, but you are wrong regardless. IDK why you are even trying to defend your retarded statement. When you are proven wrong without question you don't double down on your position you say "You are right, I was mistaken."

                          Hatsune Miku

                            idk why you are trying to prove im wrong, 4 seconds duel, 25% moc chance you can at least get 2 moc procs under duel. Lc is my spcialty and all your saying is only good in paper.


                              You don't know how MoC works, clearly. It is not a 25% chance at all times. It is only a 25% chance while the skill is off cooldown. So if you have a 2.3 second CD at level 1, you will proc significantly less than if you have a .8 second CD. You have a maximum of 2 procs possible at level 1 MoC during a 4 second deul. Level 4 MoC gives you a maximum of 4(maybe 5 depending on how the mechanics work) with 4 second duel.

                              Basically when you proc, the skill goes on its CD, so during that 2.3 seconds you can not proc. So if you only have .8 seconds of time where you can not proc, you will obviously proc far more often.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Hatsune Miku

                                its not 25% at all times, gg i lost it at that line


                                  You have a 0% chance to proc MoC while it is on CD.

                                  Hatsune Miku

                                    thats fkcing retarded, ofc its on cd wtf . dont teach me how lcs skill works ive played more than enough to understand what to do in most situations


                                      You don't know how it works though, unless you are just REALLY BAD at communicating what you mean. It is literally impossible to get more than 2 procs if you have level 1 MoC, and you said you can get AT LEAST 2 meaning you think it is possible to get more than 2. Everything you say is flat out wrong.

                                      I hope you are trolling me and are not this dumb.

                                      Hatsune Miku

                                        that was meant for your lvl 4 moc, if you read properly. lvl 4 moc was our topic thats why i said in 25% chance you can at least get 2 procs under duel duration.

                                        Hatsune Miku

                                          theres no guarantee, it will proc at 1 second of duel.


                                            Bottom line is you will proc it more often on average if you have it at level 4 rather than level 1...which gives you more DPS. So IDK why you first stated MoC gives you the same DPS at all levels, when that is just wrong. ESPECIALLY when you are getting hit by a ton of creeps, which is what the original post you responded to was saying.

                                            Hatsune Miku

                                              you dont get any kind of dps from it apart from that 25% double attack

                                              i think you are accusing me of something you misunderstood.

                                              i think its better off maxing it later so you can help other lanes when your out of the jungle, at lvl 10 you got max q and w other than the one lvl Q, 3 lvl w and maxed out passive.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                If your double attack procs more often, you get more damage from it. How is that a hard concept for you to understand?

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  back to square 1 again, i rather take the reliable 5 seconds 140 atk spd.


                                                    Like the original post you replied to said, if you have a ton of creeps hitting you, it is reliable. But my point wasn't even which skill build is better. All I was saying is that leveling up MoC gives you more DPS. Which it does.


                                                      that spell is nuts, turns pa into troll for the duration

                                                      Hatsune Miku

                                                        theres a reason why i keep it to lvl 2, and as i have said press the attack

                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                          U always max ur first spell as lc u mongol lvl 2 is indeed enough for her passive.

                                                          Full Давай

                                                            Can echo sabre lc work?


                                                              I got the math here

                                                              Lets say lc lv up moc to 4 and proc 4 times in duel by 4 creep. If 1 hit deals 50 damage then its does 200 damage. If you skill the 1st point you will deal 80+160+20x4=360x3/4=240 damage.
                                                              I have play lc before and very rarely i hit 4 proc in a duel


                                                                ^ your math is wrong. wtf lc moc deal 50 damage?


                                                                  Normal attack deal around 70-100 damge in the first duel + armor and damage block(if they have it)


                                                                    Lane > jungle. Coz you will hit enemy hero for at least 150 damage at early levels(mid)

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      good thread no kappa


                                                                        Do whatever the f*** you want, but get at least 1 point in Overwhelming Odds, its so sad to see kills slipping away because this retard afk jungler lcs dont even put 1 point in q whole game, I even try to max q when I'm jungling or do something like 1-2-2-1. I have even seen lcs not skilling Q against a phantom lancer untill minute 30 (talking about 5k bracket sadly).

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          Level 4 PTA will give you more DPS than lvl 4 MoC in pretty much all scenarios, except for when you're attacking enchantress or phoenix has rekt your attack speed, because MoC attacks are not slowed by untouchable or fire spirits.

                                                                          However, it costs mana and has a hefty cast animation, if you're spamming Q on people, you might not have enough mana for PTA as well, this boils down to what's better if you max Q and run up to people to duel them in creeps, versus PTA blink duel combo which, though, requires a blink most of the time. I never said that MoC will give you higher DPS than PTA of the same level, because it can't, it's just more likely to keep you alive while you're hitting targets, but maxing MoC will improve your DPS by a fuckton if you're standing in creeps while dueling, maxed out MoC and PTA might give you more effective DPS in a lot of ways, because although OO is a great nuke, it is not exactly reliable as it requires you to be near creeps, while you can abuse PTA and MoC dps at any time since MoC can trigger in a small jungle skirmish as well, even if only one hero is attacking you. But as LeFlash said, for god's sake, get at least one level in OO, with wind lace and phase boots, and OO on only one hero, you already have max movement speed and have a ranged nuke (as opposed to not having it at all). The spell is good even at level one if it can secure a kill.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            Rtz was spamming lc carry last time and he constantly went 144 or 044
                                                                            And maxing passive definitely increases your dps idk what you are talking about, for example once you have decent items / level you can keep all the creeps alive and clear team one shot to maximise procs as well as clearing stacks, you don't get enough mana regen for leveling nuke to be worth it as jungle/carry

                                                                            Seriously wtf




                                                                                Can lc get extra attack from MoC if the attacking unit is not the one you are attacking?

                                                                                Hatsune Miku


                                                                                  we were talking about lvl 7 lc

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    "Can lc get extra attack from MoC if the attacking unit is not the one you are attacking?"

                                                                                    Yes, that's why lvl 4 MoC is so good.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      I think you want moment of courage maxed whether jungle or lane, the question is whether you max press or odds next/first. I think you want to max odds first in lane, put a value point in press the attack for dispels and still max moc. In jungle 1/1/3/1 build then decide if you need more points in odds or press. Kinda depends on who you are fighting.

                                                                                      ARC WARDEN

                                                                                        max first if you at lane.
                                                                                        u can burst and outzone enemy from creep lane.
                                                                                        lc at level 7 -> 4 1 1 1
                                                                                        ofc dont forget to build pt shoes than phase boot.

                                                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                          im pretty sure you can tank double medium camps at level 3-5, not sure but 3rd defnitely speeds up your farming, the healing buff spell barely helps you dont evene have mana to spam it

                                                                                          bot hard mute

                                                                                            lol what is so hard to understand that lvl 4 moc gives more dps than lvl 1.. and if u go jungle lc maxing moc will get u faster farm and faster lvling. lvl8 in 7 min. dagger in 8 min, and u are ready to go.. pretty easy to play