General Discussion

General Discussioncarry venge?

carry venge? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    this hero hits like a truck and is extremely tanky with even just treads aquila hotd (wolf) dlance, more agi is just multiplied by 68% damage amp and armor reduction

    and i have never ever ever seen someone run safelane venge

    every time i mention it all i get is "her damage amps apply to teammates etc"

    bitch have you seen those stat gains? obviously she has some serious flaws as a carry but i dont get why people treat it as a 0 viability shit strat


      wasn't carry venge run briefly in some patch by pros?

      Riguma Borusu

        What I've seen from 6k+ people's idea of carry venge is that they realize they won't really be able to flash farm with the hero, so they have to focus on getting coordinated ganks with the team off, as well as pushing early to secure more gold. If your team has venge, and the opposing team has luna, both teams have agility carries, but venge probably won't come back from a bad laning stage, where luna can stack ancients and farm up if left unchecked for a tad bit.

        But I don't see it as the hero having zero viability, rather that there are better options. Venge comes online extremely fast, can solo kill people with a few items (or, more importantly, levels), hits like a truck and has great stat gains, so according to how dota works, it should be pretty viable, just not as good as some other options, in certain ways. Would you prefer to have a luna with dlance/hotd/treads/aquila, or venge? I just don't see venge being superior in that comparison.

        Full Давай

          Wagamama and EE still streams position 2 venge.

          not sure what's advantage of running her as pos 1

          unable to clear stack etc

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          casual gamer


            and she gets SO TANKY it is disgusting. high stat items like skadi are amazing because of ur aura and then you end up with 3000 hp and huge armor with good damage anyway

            Riguma Borusu

              Also good luck clearing venge illusions once 6 slotted, that bitch will wreck your base. But still, luna's illusions are even better.

              I am interested though, what would be your reasoning for getting venge over luna?

              casual gamer

                my mid is a ta, offlane void, supprots ogre + swm (example)

                my pos 2 and 3 will both benefit greatly from the damage amp, we can also rosh and push early, ta is going to rice ancient all game so my inability to farm them is marginalized. 2-4 stacked large camps i can still kill reasonably quick

                edit: if ur other heroes have huge base damage venge aura > luna aura, if they have -armor stacking more -armor on top with wave is going to be very effective, wave of terror is amazing for fast rosh also

                if ur other heros scale well enough you can cover VS's kinda shitty lategame (all single target and no native crit/bash or mobility).
                theres other silly synergies like bloodseeker.

                i think luna is absolutely the one hero that vs will almost always come up short to by comparison, she farms faster and have much higher damage at most stages of the game.

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                  You don't really want to go safelane on this hero I think, it doesn't farm fast enough and it really puts you on a timer to win which is especially bad in pubs. Badman played it from low 7k to near 8k before spamming spectre in offlane dual lanes with shit like abaddon or undying which I think is the best way to play core venge as you will still have a proper safelaner to give the damage aura to and actually farm your jungle and carry the game.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Just play her mid, not even worth the safe lane farm

                    Full Давай

                      Wouldn't it be even better if venge supports instead of ogre (maybe shadow demon instead of swm) and tb/drow plays core in that draft?

                      You can even split push this way.

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                        Only bad thing is her farming capabilities and rather short range without dl
                        inb4 mjollnir venges everywhere

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          Should pos 1/2 venge get aghs, in your opinion?


                            Liquid and some other Teams played it, but the main reason was the outdraft potential


                              Isn't Illidian Stormrage the champion of position 1 venge?

                              I think he played safe lane venge if my memory serves me right in the TI or some major. He made stats items coupled with pipe of insight to be the ultimate tank. Cant remember the match result, but he was owning in the beginning.

                              Her right click feels a bit awkward tho, no?

                              M U R D E R

                                i remember core venge with support naga in the ti, was game winning draft

                                she needs to end early, or at least get some massive early game advantage, coz apparetly she falls off.

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