General Discussion

General DiscussionCookie master!

Cookie master! in General Discussion

    Is my item build correct on sandking? I was roaming around and occasionaly jungling while swearing at the sb and sniper in the game.
    I was afk for a few mins to take a dump tho and was sure my team will make me lose by feeding but I didn't let them lose teamfights

    P.S: Road to 1k in my main

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      tbh items on sk don't even matter

      build whatever you feel like

      sk hits 100% efficency with boots + blink. everything else doesn't matter.

      but your low gpm is very concearning

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Well I was laning but got rekt in lane sb in my lane fed jug really hard so I went to jungle early without getting that much farm I got harassed big time whenever jug hit on me It was a crit and clinkz gave me cancer

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Zz no dagger dude


            I have Q with Aether lens man who needs dagger
            I can Q from africa

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              no, you do need dagger

              it's the only item that you actually need


                Gg sk no dagger how to dive in with ulti mindless iq lol
                Jst kidding but u so cute cause you have a +Q


                  you need blink for better initiate and for retreating if necessary
                  also 1.5 screen (blink+Q) initiate is totally worth it

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                      As a sand king player yourself, do you know what happened to Pirate?


                        @ieatass dude tis is my steam Id profile


                          @ULU Im not sure If I should add man you are from philippines and play in sea would be useless