General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon knight - some questions

Dragon knight - some questions in General Discussion


    I would like some answers and reasoning about DK, I know this hero isn't really played and I want to only play him with friends on in house lan-party. I spectated some good ppl playng him and I can't figure out several things. Sooo:

    1. Why everybody I have spectated goes for bottle over soul ring (and I've seen few games with medallion, wtf)?

    2. Hurricane pike only vs razor or it can be counted as regular situational item?

    3. Drums. Is it a possibility? If so, when

    4. AC usually has priority as first "big" item, right?

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      Never buy drums on any hero
      Ac is not that good on him because he is already tank enough
      If you are mid that usually means you should get botttle to secure runes regardless of the hero you play
      You didn't say which lane you are playing but try treads-phase /HoD-satanic/sange and yasha/Daedalus/silver edge/Linken[6th slot] build

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        1.5k so maybe idk what im talking about but...

        Bottle is simply better for lane sustain
        Hurricane pike is super situational
        Drums is pretty bad for everyone
        I think daedalus/moon shard takes priority over AC


          i guess that dragon lance is decent stat item for him early game so may be that player decided to upgrade it vs razor.
          usually you shall consider blink/sb to initiate with stun in ganks and skirmish

          dont forget that armlet is super good on dk.
          also you shall consider one attackspeed item to improve you dps and pushing potintial

          i once tried skadi in lobby on dk and it was great but i think in real games satanic/heart i much better

          GL and hope that help

            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

              ^ lol this guy is getting removed
              anyway, I reckon DK is really fun, even tho ive onlly played 8 games with him and a winrate of 12.5% :(
              Here's a really good guide to follow if u wanna learn DK

              ?.Stock @zzo

                I don't see dk going anywhere but mid, so I guess the bottle is for rune control. Drum used to be a good choice on the hero before it got nerfed last patch. Dragon lance is quite good for the stats and the range in dragon form, but yeah, i guess that the upgrade into hurricane pike is situational. I used to go blink over shadow blade for the mobility issue, but that depends on the team u r facing and ur team composition, I've found myself building silver edge to break passives sometimes. AC is a good item anyway, so I'd build it on him if nobody else in the team does.


                  Never buy drums on any hero
                  Ac is not that good on him because he is already tank enough
                  If you are mid that usually means you should get botttle to secure runes regardless of the hero you play
                  You didn't say which lane you are playing but try treads-phase /HoD-satanic/sange and yasha/Daedalus/silver edge/Linken[6th slot] build

                  1272 mmr

                  1.5k so maybe idk what im talking about but...

                  Bottle is simply better for lane sustain
                  Hurricane pike is super situational
                  Drums is pretty bad for everyone
                  I think daedalus/moon shard takes priority over AC

                  1527 mmr

                  i guess that dragon lance is decent stat item for him early game so may be that player decided to upgrade it vs razor.
                  usually you shall consider blink/sb to initiate with stun in ganks and skirmish

                  dont forget that armlet is super good on dk.
                  also you shall consider one attackspeed item to improve you dps and pushing potintial

                  i once tried skadi in lobby on dk and it was great but i think in real games satanic/heart i much better

                  GL and hope that help

                  2440 mmr

                  this thread is fucking golden

                  casual gamer

                    i mean the 2k is actually correct! armlet is really good on dk

                    the old "standard" items (hotd, armlet, BKB, AC) are still good, i personally think dragon lance MIGHT be good but havent played dk more than once in a year

                    shadow blade is definitely something worth considering IMO, especially because silver edge is so damn good


                      How Silver Edge stacks with Dragon Breathe? Multiplicatively or additively?


                        i havent seen this hero in ages

                        Riguma Borusu

                          @Soultrap: the formula is 0.5 * (damage-dragon breath reduction) in that case, so the unit basically deals 0.5*0.65*dmg so yeah, for a few seconds, you basically become fucking Bane, you only have to account for the fact that DB only reduces base damage.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Hanamichi Sakuragi

                            Bottle is good when you are mid especially when denying and taking last hits because of your 1st.
                            HotD is good in any case for stacking ancients. Armlet is core. I prefer Blink Dagger over Shadow Blade. But that's just me.
                            Dragon Lance is good on Dragon Knight because he is a dragon, duuhh...
                            No but it's actually kinda good, in some situations, stats are nice for him and upgrading it to Hurricane Pike gives him alot more options.
                            Like if you get focused down, Razor, and etc...
                            For late game Assault Cuirass and Daedalus and ofc, BKB.