General Discussion

General DiscussionDrafting Tips?

Drafting Tips? in General Discussion

    Basically i want some general counter to ur ns pub stomp heroes cuz i keep losing to them.


      how many times do i have to say it, picks dont matter in pubs.

      not till you're at least 6k, you can get there by spamming anything but only having skill

      or you're in a pro team


        They pick slark, you go bloodseeker
        Sf, go ta
        Morph, go Am
        Drow, go bara,pa,slardar
        Sniper, go any hero that can close the gap
        Riki, buy detection
        Bloodseeker, Tp scroll

        M U R D E R

          and the moment when slark fucks your bloodseeker, sf is beynd godlike, your lane is contested as am, riki is completely dumpstering your sorry asses and bloodseeker has bought a force staff.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


            you'd be forcing yourself to pick heroes you don't know how to play.

            don't bother with it, just play your best and do your best

            2k indog monkey

              Basically you can win against any hero with any hero if you adapt your playstyle well, just pick the hero that fits that kind of playstyle
              PA? Keep off her dagger range, get MKB, gg
              AM? Morph? SS? Dont fucking stack stuns, pressure their early game, end fast
              Riki? Detection, force staff, or track heroes
              LC? 1v1 heroes, or linken, or destroy her jungling shit
              Spectre? You won't find any good spec around pub don't worry


                Kk m9. Its just slark is the most obnoxious hero to play against u know?

                2k indog monkey

                  Yes he arguably is, but then again, he has alot of counters, and that doesn't even include heroes
                  Sticking as a team, silence, detection (SB carrier), chain stuns, etc

                  casual gamer

                    just pick void and use w, watch fish try to crawl away at 300 ms and die


                      Ok m9. If u see my dotobuff i play a large number of heroes but i dont think i mastered rlly any of em tbh. Void is probably my strongest hero tho


                        You can counterpick all you want, but in the end it is skill, yes counterpicking can help a lot, but if youre not good with the hero then its useless. Shit if there is a slark and you have 100 bs games then yeah pick bs, but if you have 3 bs games dont autopick bs then youll just feed


                          I dont have even close to 100 games on anyone.

                          2k indog monkey

                            800 games and your most picked hero is only 20 games
                            I think you spent too much time trying to understand every single hero in DOTA2 which makes you progress slower compared to other players
                            If you keep playing a set of heroes, lets say, 10? you'd notice your mistakes easily and you'd improve much faster, then you play other heroes after mastering them

                            2k indog monkey

                              When I started playing, AM and void is all that I play (back when void had le backtrack cancer and was considered as one of the hardest carry)
                              Helped me alot to become a somewhat not so dogshit core player


                                Ye i mostly enjoy offlane and mid. Whenever i play a safe carry i feel to dependent on space creation. Rip my timber winrate, after the buff my winrate is flat 50% but before that i lost 4 ganes in a row not knowing what i was doing. I guess ill git gud. Tho i stopped doto cuz i need to study tbh.

                                Mode adiman

                                  pick slark and make sure nemy dosent have AA -win game