General Discussion

General Discussionwolf creep - underrated?

wolf creep - underrated? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    i mean this creep gives meepo more damage than an eblade, most carries get 30-60 damage at least from it

    i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn hotd on supports and micros the creep it is so gooooooooooood

    sooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood


      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn arcane boots on supports and gives mana to carries it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn desolator on supports and hits the enemy it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn bottle on supports and heals the carry it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn ring of aquila on supports and gives aura to team it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn force staff on supports and pushes allies it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn vlads on supports and gives team lifesteal it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn linken's on supports and gives buff to core it is so gooooooooooood
      i dont understand why in the lategame nobody just gets a damn urn on supports and heals allies it is so gooooooooooood


        ^ I loled

        casual gamer

          usually someone has basi/vlad, arcane people actually buy, deso/linken are both more expensive, people do spam buy force staffs

          urn is underappreciated as well tbh


            At least for meepo games do you ever honestly lose because your Meepo doesn't deal enough dps? 99% of games are lost because your opponents can chain stun the Meepo to death while their carry bashes your head in with bkb because he can't buy any defensive items apart from raw hp.

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            casual gamer

              ^ i can picture where meepo absolutely has to rat and keeping a wolf near whatever rax he has to hit ends up being the difference between killing it before they kill him / his aegis, but im not a meepo player


                ^gotta go with mr copy pasta, dps is never the problem with meepo, and your investing too much gold for a creep that you wont always have at the ready. obviously the wolf creep is amazing for any carry late game on paper, but id rather have a satanic by then or w.e

                Dire Wolf

                  Cus the wolf dies so easily it's not actually that great in team fights. It's really good for farmers and pushes like Sven and drow


                    Just dominate hadoken satyr and ks with it