General Discussion

General Discussionidiots

idiots in General Discussion

    I get matched up with players who won battlecup. and then they are shit. lol how


      I am not really familiar with the battle cup event(haven't played it myself) but as far as I understand it it is divided into skill ranges or divisions(dunno how they call it).
      That means that a less good player is matched with their skill range, and not with the pro scene.
      If someone won the battle cup that just means that they happen to be the best in their skill level, nothing else.

      2k indog monkey

        Battle cup doesn't mean shit anyway


          how does it matter

          idiots got matched with idiots

          then they get matched with you, idiot


            considering they won battlcup they still had to win a bunch of games right?


              battlecup is 3 games if i remember