General Discussion

General Discussioni got LP from this game...

i got LP from this game... in General Discussion

    I'm guessing because my monkeys complain i didn't "gank" early game XD

    btw: im only using this smurf cuz im playing with RL friends who are ass, and im trying to practice storm

    casual gamer

      when i play with low skill ppl i apologize for not ganking and say it's my "playstyle"


      casual gamer

        ppl actually will cry if u dont call missing its baffling as fuck


          i don't think anyone has called, or i have called missing in like 3 years.

          u just look at the fucking map.

          one time someone flamed me for not calling a riki missing......


          Da Vinci


            Lets do Science

              The lower the average mmr. The sooner you have to mute your teammates before they make you go crazy.


                Lol in Normal Skill people will complain if you call missing but they didn't see the message.
                I usually only bother calling missing if its a hero that's likely to get a kill, like pudge or something.

                Dire Wolf

                  I cry if you don't call missing. There's not really any reason not to except being an asshat and saying watch the map! I appreciate pings a lot as I have enough trouble just focusing on my lane.

                  casual gamer

                    ^ c o n f i r m e d

                    Lets do Science

                      >Pudge is missing.
                      >Pudge is missing.
                      *10 seconds pass*
                      >Pudge is missing.
                      >Pudge is missing.
                      AHHHHH. FRESH MEAT.
                      Sniper: Noob no call mia.

                      Literally why would you call missing on a hero when 90% of the time people ignore it to the point where they die any way and its just wasted calories on your part?


                        if you call misses that means you're aware of the map yourself. Just a good habit. If your team doesn't use it – sad life and whatever. If your team uses it – good job, you just helped your team.

                        casual gamer

                          i say a lot when the offlane is gone with lvl 6 in ranked i guess. midlaner not so much but im not a mid player


                            Why wouldn't you call missing? Literally costs you nothing as all you have to do is alt-click their portrait and even if there is a 1% chance it helps your team you may as well do it. Especially if it is something like an SB or a BM who just hit 6 informing your midlaner that they are possibly going to get ganked in the next 30 seconds is definitely worth it.


                              yea calling out level 6 timings and when they go missing AT level 6 is a good call.

                              lots of other times is just a waste. the offlaner probably just went to go kill the jungle. the supports could be doing literally anything. high mmr mids don't gank, so they probably went to jungle unless they got a good rune.

                              Vem Comigo

                                mid dont gank nob report