General Discussion

General DiscussionWho wants to make a team?

Who wants to make a team? in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    Any idea on how to form a team?

    I want to start playing properly and seriously, still treating it like a game to play for fun but want to also get high up in the ranks.
    Anyone know any guys who would like to form a 5 or 6 man team that can dedicate time into playing the game on a weekly basis?

    I know it Is hard with life and other commitments and I am willing to work around that.



      its not hard
      u find 4 other tards
      u ask ppl who know about the places u can find leagues and tournaments to play
      u sign up
      u keep an eye on the shedules and play


        ^_^ Ready


          ooooh you are fom australia
          there are relatively few leagues active there, so it wont be as easy as i thought


            afaik aus peeps can join some online tournaments hosted in sea

            but most of the online amateur tourneys here are restricted to sea

            EDIT: tbh an amateur team isnt that worth it if your reason of making one is to improve. just do 1v0 lobbies to practice mechanics and play ranked, and i speak from experience

            me my bro and my irl friends joined some amateur leagues in the past few months but we weren't able to win ANYTHING aside from 1 game per league because
            a) we suck but we dont practice because of time differences
            b) theres no teamwork at all; its just our capt who does all the carrying since our 2 supports wont listen to him
            c) our supports are braindead
            d) amateur leagues go up to 4k most of the time but we have only have one 4ker
            and most importantly
            d) its hard to call out mistakes since some people get butthurt so easily

            its too much trouble for almost zero profit, youre not gaining anything unless ur first, also you have to worry about other people too, improving as a solo player is more profitable and easier in the long run because its easier to find a team that will stick together when ur higher in mmr

            tldr if ur below 4k dont bother with teams/amateur leagues, just focus on improving as a solo player

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


              jdl, which is by far the best non-professional league rn, has a group for oceania.