General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for unorthodox solo offlaners

Looking for unorthodox solo offlaners in General Discussion

    Currently wondering if you could throw ursa or lifestealer in the offlane . Interested in other offlaners that are unorthodox but decently work . Not really looking for ones that work in below 4K mmr I still appreciate any input though 😄. I have played majority of my dota games as safelane carry but think offlaner is probs more of a natural fit for me as such I prefer ones that can carry as well.

    milk that tastes like rea...

      both are pretty decent against passive safelanes or 1v1s, but neither can deal with an aggressive lane or competent supports.
      both heroes can fall back to jungle but don't complain if the supports roam win the other 2 lanes and the freefarm morph takes over the game


        im orthodox brother

        ?.Stock @zzo

          It actually depends both on ur team composition and the safe lane u r facing. Many unorthodox heroes can work, maybe even ls and ursa (even if I would prefer the first over the second) if the safe lane is a quiet one. But I guess the real question is: is it worth? You would put a farming hero in a bad spot, if u r lucky u would get exp and than what? They need farm (ls and ursa, i mean) more than exp imo.

          I would see more other heroes in that position, with the aim of creating space. Maybe u can try old offlaners that have different roles now and see if they can work out with the meta's changes. Weaver? I dunno. Just try a few and see what happens.


            Idk what unorthodox is but if u want to make lifestealer and ursa cry. You can try DS and underlord. But if they got omni or doom dont pick DS. Bcause omni got repel and doom can purge the creeps and eat it. Just pick underlord and spam 1st skill.
            Void also work very good against ursa.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            ?.Stock @zzo

              for what concerns the DS pick, ok, ion shell can be purged. But I'd rather pick him against Omni now than vs Oracle for the same reason. I mean, repel now has a cool down of 20 sec at lvl 1. Oracle is way more painful i guess, even if I have never had an oracle against me as a DS for what I remember.