General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Sun Strike Tips

Invoker Sun Strike Tips in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Hi guys,

    I'm finding it difficult to land sun strikes when I don't have any reliable stuns on my team, the opponents seems to have really weird walking patterns or I am not being patient enough. Any help on landing more sun strikes in these situations?

      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        fuq i thought you were someone else lol,
        but to answer your question, like what the bluestar said, just be patient and once you have more invoker games, you will get a "feel" for those sunstrikes.


          I was going to say "get good you fcking shit i cum on your head faster than ur mom shit on shark" then I realized you're not that 4k SEA spoderman

          Bill Cutting

            I need to change my profile pic man I'm getting that a lot

            Riguma Borusu

              Sunstriking moving targets is often a waste of mana and cooldown (and especially early, exort invoker is going to need both), better try to make sure the target is still, if you watch some pro games of exort invoker you'll notice that people are really patient and usually wait for the target to be stunned or slowed to death before using the skill.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                well your top hero is same like me :D. but i dont have that shitty winrate invoker :(. but i cant really ss very well ;( just practice man...


                  pooor guy hes not spoderman


                    innocent guy got harmed


                      Whenever people play against invoker they always walk in weird ass patterns expecting the su strike. Just sunstrike during the fight, rather than ksing with it afterwards