General Discussion

General DiscussionHIGH impact Support?

HIGH impact Support? in General Discussion

    omni is bad? man if u really believe that u are a retard, but i will give u benefit of the doubt and just say u are trolling


      you will still be useful later

      I thought that idea of "lane support" is to secure your laning stage.


        theres virtually 0 supports that do well against undying slardar lanes. thats what heroes like timber, naix, jugg are for.

        anyway u can do ok just off of pulling and occasionally doing stuff. oracles a terrible lane support pre 3 in most scenarios, yet hes the best support in dota. u just have to know how to play these sorts of lanes and accept the offlane will get a lot and try and get levels.

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          theres virtually 0 supports that do well against undying slardar lanes

          Maybe Skymage?


            Morph sup. Hitting enemy with a 4 second stun while you can tank damage for your team is pretty great. And say you need to transition into a core you can still farm quickly


              warlock,earth shaker,kunkka


                Jugg support is legit af just put healing ward to wounded allies

                Dire Wolf

                  I can't stand venge lane support, terrible range means they never harass, wave pushes creep wave and is only good if you follow up with right clicks, the disable is really short and not tons of dmg. The aura is great for cs but not that impressive for killing enemies. Venge + drow or luna is pretty sick but with any normal melee type of carry I dislike.