General Discussion

General DiscussionOD and mkb

OD and mkb in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Pretty sure OD's orb can miss but this retard tried to tell us otherwise:
    "Deals its damage before the attack damage is applied, but still depends on the attack hitting the target."

    Why would you ever offlane od?


      od orb goes threw guardian angel threw winter heal

      Riguma Borusu


        and no shit it goes through, it is pure fucking damage, why would it get blocked by physical damage block in first place?


          Those shit ain't gonna make you miss your attack why the fuck are you 4k i hope you die out of cancer

          Dire Wolf

            yeah I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about when you miss attacks on PA. I like a moron skipped mkb cus that od promised us he could wreck PA every fight cus his orb couldn't miss lolol. I should've checked wiki in game. Though it may have been a lost cause regardless.


              offlane od good if they have melle carry and melle supprt but dual off is good too

              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                he shud get bloodthorne not mkb


                  Sometimes you have to go mkb as OD if you are facing illusion heroes with butterfly.

                  Dire Wolf

                    ah good point bloodthorn legit on int heroes. I should've just built mkb over echo sabre though (I know it costs more just saying should've skipped echo) but at the time I was dying and needed stats and felt naix was the bigger threat. Once they both got abyssals though storm and od died instantly every fight.


                      MKB is shit on spectre tho, especially if rushed as 3rd or 2nd item
                      Aren't you buying VG abit too much? Seems like you rush VG every game

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        It doesn't look like he could have gotten a MKB even if he wanted to. He barely has 2 slots of cheap items.

                        Vem Comigo

                          It misses, but its pretty shit on od, he can just imprison someone and hit other people, make his other carry hit the enemy.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            Well I am in love with the regen and hp on spec, but that game vs naix and pa I think it's the right choice, blocks a lot of their dmg. Just didn't work out. I got picked late too and led to a rax, not saying I played that well. Was just tilted by how idiotic people are at dota not even knowing their orbs can miss.

                            The whole game was tilt though, I shadowed spec safe lane cus my weekly quest is do 60,000 hero dmg and my current questline was 40 cs in 10 mins, so I needed a carry who does a lot of hero dmg, ie spec. Well OD shadows safe lane after me, so I just went ahead and fp spectre. He moved offlane, but next three picks were pudge off, ss mid, jungle blood. I mean they totally titled cus I fp spec, then I titled cus all those dipshits refuse to fp or play support. Like get some balls if you want to carry and fp carry. Not that hard. Just don't fp meepo or some shit with hard counters and who cares.

                            So yeah I was solo vs zeus and razor. It was not fun. And we still almost pulled it off.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              As long as you learned something from each loss it's fine
                              Keep improving and I hope one day you can join the mighty blue star clib


                                Fun Fact, Spectre's Desolate damages enemies regardless of whether or not your attack hits, so rushing MKB as Spectre is unnecessary. In that game I would have gone Vanguard > Manta > Abyssal. At that point, if you encounter PA alone you just abyssal her, pop manta and murder her since you and your illusions will tear her apart with Desolate even if you miss some attacks. If course if she has BKB already and manages to pop it before you abyssal, you wont be able to kill her, but you can still abyssal her and then dagger away into the trees, wasting one of her BKB charges.

                                Lifestealer is a problem for you though since h comes with a free BKB built in and he can fight you even with your manta+abyssal. No easy way for Spectre to beat Lifestealer in the midgame.


                                  Just get hex

                                  Vem Comigo

                                    ^this m9