General Discussion

General DiscussionTriggering Plebs

Triggering Plebs in General Discussion

    When was your best moment triggering plebs? I just found my new favorite moment yesterday, i went mid timber yesterday and this sniper keeps auto attacking me instead of hitting the creeps doing like 10 dmg per hit sadly i regen too fast since i maxed reactive armor resulting in him doing 0 dmg while i farm the lane and ended up killing him cause i dived the tower and he thought it was possible to kill a 20 charged reactive armor timber, proceeds to tt and all he replies is ''?'' and ''haha who cares'' proceeds to feed the entire game cause when he's focusing on my team he just doesnt look behind i guess lmao he stands in the chakrams for 5 secs only then realizing his impending doom and then writes ''?'' as soon as i start to annoy him xD






          I thought this was going to be about triggering ur teammates.

          Best one was when I went as oracle mid. Already marked mid on the map so I assumed everyone knew the game plan. So I didn't buy courier. "No cour report". "Done". This even before the tune and I'm thinking, lmao my team is triggered this gonna be a hilarious game. So basically as u would expect every single time my team has a bad time they will say something funny like gg oracle even if it has nothing to do with me. Like 20 min into the game they already know I'm committed as a mid oracle. "Gg no ward. Gg supp".

          Anytime one of the cores feed they will immediately blame the mid oracle. And I told myself to just not say a thing to trigger my team more but I think that must've triggered them even more.

          O glorious days. It's so easy to trigger ppl these days. Ill try going mid as crystal maiden next.


            I marked mid once and this asswipe just said i mid fucked off and instantly picked kunkka and i said lol nope, then he being such a pro said lol 2.1k mmr scrub want mid( he saw my party rmm) then he said im 3k you noob( he actually thinks 3k is good idk) then his friend backed him up saying i should let him mid, then i told them ok im feeding at first they thought i was joking lol then i bought wards courier as razor and walked down mid just an inch from the tier 1's attack range then he just said go feed noob, did what he told me and he got so mad spamming all chat with all caps along with his friend lmao. Idk he told me to go feed i did what he told me yet he's so mad Haha.


              Triggered this one team by going dagon eblade on riki. They be running away then ZAP MUTHAFUCKA u ded


                Necrophos's ulti + aghanim's scepter on enemy PA and their entire team went wild because they have no nukers left then my team win the game :3


                  Anyone who plays necro is always dank af in my eyes lul, ultimate triggering aghs effect.

                  Super Speed Snail

                    @daddy: hahaha, classic dagon.

                    They thought they save with that ghost scepter? Boom !!!!

                    Have a moment when using riki with a ghost tinker once...


                      @daddy eblade itself on riki is good for certain scenarios.

                      Vem Comigo

                        when you say 5k sea = 1k anywhere