General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Sven finally looking to receive a nerf?

Is Sven finally looking to receive a nerf? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Aside from getting some indirect nerfs over the years (like MoM being deleted from the game, his counters getting buffed alongside him), Sven has kept getting buffs for the past few years. Level 4 Warcry is pretty much Guardian Angel at this point, cleave is one of the best farming tools in the game, his stun is extremely good at level 1 and even his mana pool is no longer terrible, not to mention that he's become less dependent on teammates than ever, now that he can actually build proper int/mana granting items like Echo Sabre, get casual raindrops and all that without resorting to casual drums which were always really bad for a hero that's already so starved for slots, yet farms so rapidly.

    Now, considering that he was getting underpicked for years despite getting buffs while never coming bellow 50% winrate which is actually typical for most bad carries every patch, is he finally looking for some major nerf, probably to one of his core items, or to himself? Considering how much impact you can make with the Echo Sabre early on, I'd say the item is the most likely candidate for a nerf by and of itself, and not the hero, directly, but if you thought he was too strong, what would you nerf?

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    casual gamer


      prob they will make stun duration scale. icefrog hates when you skill stats over skill levels

      Riguma Borusu

        ^I think this will happen as well. I literally have zero reason to get lvl 2 stun ever, unless I am laning against enchantress or something bizzare like that where magical nuke is preferable, but even in that case, I'd still prefer to max cleave/warcry to abuse ancients stacks.

        One more nerf I could see is that cleave no longer ignores armor value, which would seriously cripple heroes who abuse that mechanic, like Sven.

        casual gamer

          they will never nerf magnus so hard when hes already crappy

          Riguma Borusu

            Well, even if they nerf the armor-ignoring mechanic, they can boost percentages on cleave. Still, even in that case, the nerf would be too much because it'd be a serious lategame nerf when people go around with shivas, ACs, 30 base armor and so on, it'd just cripple the cleave mechanic's lategame pretty hard. One game I won against morphling just because he had used manta and I could blink stun and cleave his illusions, and he died in few hits, otherwise I would be be pummeling at a 40 armor morphling (unstunned, because I can't target him with storm hammer due to linkens) with skadi who can just kite me to death, with no hope of dealing damage to him.

            I imagine empower would likewise become almost useless lategame if the 'abuse' mechanic was nerfed.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Slight echo sabre nerf would be good imo
              Or slight direct nerfs for storm hammer buff, shit is like so useless


                fk u guys i still max stun cuz stats are uselss anyway

                Riguma Borusu

                  "Or slight direct nerfs for storm hammer buff, shit is like so useless"

                  What did you even attempt to say here?

                  "fk u guys i still max stun cuz stats are uselss anyway"

                  It's okay to max stun, actually, but only after you've already maxed out cleave and warcry. And stats are nowhere near useless on sven, bonus 6 agility could potentially turn into one more attack (and your damage is massive), 6 int extends your mana pool, and 6 strength is 18 bonus damage and 120 bonus HP, which could make or break a fight. Likewise, though, you could say that the burst damage from the stun can come in helpful as well, which I would not disagree with.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  doc joferlyn simp

                    still maxing stats and rushing mom lmfao


                      mate gazor what games do u play when sven can land a 3rd hit (4th if u have echo). LUL.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^like... most games? Contrary to popular belief, sven is not just a "blink and kill people" hero, you can run around hitting shit if you've taken care of those who can kite you the hardest, also you got bonus ms from warcry and if you have bkb, blood thorn and blink you can almost always catch up to people, silence targets when your bkb wears off, etc. I got a rampage last game because people started panicking and running away from me when in reality all I did not have a BKB, but they just could not do much to me anyway. Ideally you want to outfarm people and use that advantage to win fights.

                        Dire Wolf

                          They'll rescale storm hammer to something like

                          50/150/250/325 dmg and 1/1.3/1.6/2.0s stun and nerf his base dmg by 3-5.

                          Part of why he's very good in pubs is the high base dmg + a qb means you don't miss cs on him due to timing. I believe his lvl 1 dmg is 2nd or 3rd highest in the game. It's 65 average. I can't find a chart, but sb has 65 average, treant's is insanely high like 75 and ck is around 66 but his has a lot larger range. Most str carries are 55-60.


                            svens not a tier 1 carry pick. juggernaut, naix, sometimes timber are the best, svens probably bottom of the tier below that


                              how does lineup with timber pos1 work?

                              Dire Wolf

                                He gets kited too much in pro games/high level games for sure.


                                  u pick like 1 hero that scales and does physical damage and 1 hero that has catch and ur fine (ex jugg, od, voker) . timbersaw does so well against undying+slardar or other x2 melee lanes that its super worth putting him safelane just for that. he makes two heros basically useless.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Meta has already nerfed him. He doesnt need changes anymore


                                      Sven sux a lot against timber as he is way too mobile for him.


                                        I disagree because there are still 2 better candidates for nerf. Luna and drow.



                                          That hero is dead.


                                            Does it look like fucking dead to you?

                                            This is dead hero.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Sven is best carry for me, he is carry as no one else for me, but also very ez to kite,but he is so fucked if he dont get his blink/say, echo, +dmg item at good time....i would not touch him if im icefrog...but yeah in my eyes he is one of strongest carry , but he always was and be i hope, its sven so fuckin strong boy love him


                                                Try a luna venge lane if u want the enemy offlane to suffer. 2 stun, 2 damage aura, 2 ranged, minus armor.


                                                  Buff Sven plz, meepo is way more cancerous

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Calling Luna ranged is near laughable she is 330 range. Barely double melee. But still strong in lane sure


                                                      dragon lance is an item


                                                        300 range > no range
                                                        All im saying