General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut supp is the most legit thing i've ever tried in normal bra...

Juggernaut supp is the most legit thing i've ever tried in normal bracket in General Discussion

    Dem enemy wont expect jugg support. Starting with cour and other items i just throw in offlane cuz i supposed to be supp. Then i buy arcane boots to make my mana stay cool. If my ally is wounded i simply give healing ward. Im slowly transisting from early supp to position 2 carry in mid game cuz I omni em up for initiatie teamfight. After i build bottle flurry and dazzelator i build force staff to go beyblade in fountain and throwing myself with destroyed enemy ancient...
    thats all folks...

    yung griphook

      "to make my mana stay cool"

      I'm sold


        Jugg is also mana dependant despite being a hard-rightclicker. His mana pool is low and his mana usage is quite high on each abilities

        tier 3 items suck

          sounds good man gonna try


            M8 it just work in unranked normal bracket at the moment i had never tried it in ranked match. Good luck m8. I see u have a blue star. Respect from 0.9k scrub...


              Daaaym meta breaker right there, gonna grind those points asap

              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                zenith did it last time

                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                    Sry can i bump?

                    Can u give the link of zenith?