General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy my matches are in normal skill bracket although I played very well??

Why my matches are in normal skill bracket although I played very well?? in General Discussion

    Why is this happening??


      I have only 1 high skill match and in that match I don't even have enough item for my hero.. What the fuck




          what definition of ''i played very well'' is 500 avg gpm, 3 kda and 56% winrate?

          this is what actually '' i played very well'' in normal skill looks like:

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Riguma Borusu


            how did you lose this game tho, what happened


              LoL! Cookie. U guys have any idea with this?


                any issue??

                Riguma Borusu

                  Um, it's a general consensus that you're just bad and need to improve. I've had scores like you have right now, for a thousand games, and I was still normal skill (my ranked is on the edge between NS and HS right now), it took me a while to get out of it, and even then, I didn't play ranked and have only recently begun to do so, so I've again had a lot of games in normal skill. The difference, though, is that my average scores where I actually play well are nothing like yours. I get 700+ GPM on carries, way more than 3 KDA and with sven in particular, for example, I've had 86% winrate recently. And keep in mind that this is still playing close to my supposed skill level, I am not smurfing or playing with people who have 300 MMR or some crap.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Oh.. Thanks for ur advice sir. I hope I can get high skill bracket. Thank U

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Bear in mind that right now it's extremely worthless to play normal matchmaking, because Valve has started re-calibrating people who had mismatched ranked and unranked mmr, so just play ranked from now on. I was in VHS in unranked for a good chunk of this year and I could play against people who're actually on my skill level a lot of the time, but then Valve re-calibrated my unranked back to normal skill because my ranked MMR was really low (at 3k), so keep in mind you should pretty much try to get HS just in ranked and forgo unranked completely if you want to get to HS in any reasonable time.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        Your skill bracket doesn't change by just winning a few matches.
                        It will take at least a few hundred games.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^this is true as well, at 200+ games, you uncertainity factor is really low and you gain +-25 on average, both in ranked and unranked. But just play ranked and see how it goes, if you end up dominating 60%+ of your matches heavily, you'l literally have no way NOT to reach HS pretty quickly. I went from 1.1k to 3k with around 75% winrate when I first started playing ranked because I was both too shit to quickly reach 4k, and too good to remain bellow 3k.


                            Ok bros. I will try. I think I should play ranked matches more to get high skill bracket


                              Advice on ranked mm: if you are in a bad mood stop playing


                                yes. And I have a question. Which region is the best to play ranked?

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^whichever has lowest ping for you

                                  Seriously, don't try to cheat yourself into HS in any way, just play and get better. You probably have no reason to play on smurf anyway, since you've already ended up in the same place as your main.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    you're mega bad need us repeat ourselves?


                                      sorry bu ur so fucking awful check those last rankeds im stomping in 1800 ranked mmr
                                      and im only 4200 mmr


                                        Im not sure why i lost it, lookin at the build: it's one of the troll builds i do(super tanky annoying sven)

                                        Possibly because it was either a troll game or i just let my enemies end.

                                        If i ever lose in low brackets , it's either that im auper bored(troll builds) or internet is being a dick. A very small percentage of the games i actually lose because i cant carry hard enough.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                        Art of Piko

                                          i never get normal skill. check it maybe u can learn something from mine


                                            no matter how much i feed or piss my team mates off ill never end up normal skilled, so clearly idk what you mean op.


                                              No fucking clue bro. U look and play like a champ. Dude don't give up. high skill is right around the corner.

                                              Art of Piko

                                                dont play ranked yet....u should raise to HS or u will end at 2k mmr