General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's up with nyx?

What's up with nyx? in General Discussion

    Nyx seems like a great hero early and mid but people don't pick him often from what I see, also why does he have 4 health regeneration a second??


      Idk but I think it's because he's a walking impale
      But then again void used to be a walking chrono and was a top pick at TI4


        why do u mean ppl are not picking him? he is being picked a lot


          Also don't take hero's popularity to judge if a hero is good/in the meta or not (especially in NS)
          Popular NS heroes are mostly pubstompers or heroes that get picked because they see kewl youtube mirakel montej vids or some shit
          Naga is amazing and nobody picks her
          LC is not exactly good, and even worse if jungled, and she's a top 5 pick in 2k


            But then again void used to be a walking chrono and was a top pick at TI4


            void was so much more. he was op and bullshit

            LC is not exactly good, and even worse if jungled, and she's a top 5 pick in 2k

            tbh if you're good lc jungle is good


              Do you have any link to a great farming pattern LC jungle video?
              Maybe if it's actually executed well running LC jungle is worth the risk of getting assraped 0-6 in 6 min by the support duo

              B O O L I N

                I guess I was just wondering because I never see him to often, but like I said what's up with his base regen


                  don't question it just go with the flow, ogre has sick base regen as well so yea...


                    see my nyx games


                      nyx is a great hero atm


                        nyx is in all my games


                          Blurrybob nice stats and most common items, can you gave us some advice? When do you pick him agaisy which hero is good, also your mind set with this build?

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            nyx was more popular in 6.86 because most picked meta heroes were mostly int (voker-od-zeus)
                            now in 6.88 there is only 1 int hero in 18 most picked heroes so this meta is all about agi-str carries
                            there isnt much reason to pick him currently


                              I'm having butterflies in my stomach - no-one before asked me advice on Dota 2. First, u can see that all my Nyx games are normal skill - against plebs that don't know how to handle invis heroes. Second, I instapick Nyx against Invoker - I make my mission to counter that hero in a given game before he snowballs out of control. Also, Nyx is very effective against OD, Skywrth, Silencer - as they always try to increase their intelligence. I don't agree with those who say Nyx is a walking impale - I can't land impale very well. It's not Lion's spikes, which is easier because Lion's can be unit targeted. I don't worry too much about laning phase - Nyx has a great base hp regen. So I can focus on phase boots. Aquila and Wand are better to have than not having. I get desolator even if I have natural deso-holders in my team. Because I see Nyx as a solo assassin - who doesn't need team's help to get a kill. Don't esitate to activate carapace when u're invisible if u think that enemy has detected u - it won't break invisibility. Also be careful against Winter Wyvern - u can kill your own teammate with Vendetta. I get crystalis and daedalus if enemy has no evasive heroes, otherwise - MKB. I give little attention to survivability because I think I can save my ass with carapace. That's why I only engage lonely enemies - making sure his teammates won't be able to help him. Without mana boots u'll have mp problems - I solve them by teleporting from fountain to my farthest tower and activate Vendetta - this way my mana has enough time to replenish. Reach lvl16 as soon as possible so that u can hit enemies with vendetta twice, buy exp books if needed.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Thank you much, nice to read i never ever saw nyx with anything else than dagon, do you ever build that?Also i didnt get what you mean reach lvl 16 so you can hit twice with vendeta, how it is works?

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                casual gamer

                                  1/2/3/4/5k+ pick and winrate

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    nyx is broken lol.


                                      yes ofc the mirana arrow range impale with aghs is no shit




                                          Nyx is good rn cuz nice stun and fucks od in the ass. Late game mana burns for like dagon level dmg or more.


                                            I go arcanes aether blink aghs. Usually. Dont rlly know what to get after so advice wud be nice. Thinking lotus orb.


                                              this thread inspired me to play nyx but i still have a few concerns

                                              1) i saw some people go midas on him after arcanes. how viable is this?
                                              2) when is the best and worst time to pick this guy
                                              3) is he still primarily an offlaner


                                                Pippo, I mean in lvl16 vandetta has 60sec duration but only 50 sec cooldown. U'll have those 10 sec gap where u can hit-impale-manaburn-goVendetta-hit again. Alice, I think Midas is good to get to 16 faster for above reason. Best time when enemy has Invoker, OD, Skywrth, Sniper, Silencer, Rubick. Bad time when enemy has Zeus (he can spam LB to reveal u), and no fragile heroes. And yes, he's a very good offlaner - a type who can cause problems to safelane carries. I looked through dota 2 wiki and found out that Vendetta doesn't crit or cleave, also it's applied before normal damage instance, so it may or may not hit after armor reduction from desolator.


                                                  1) yes if you are not going for dagon and consider the lategame
                                                  2) od/no od
                                                  3) yes, undoubtfully


                                                    No one plays OD in normal skill. Is he less op there?