General Discussion

General Discussion5ks and 4ks

5ks and 4ks in General Discussion

    Do you 5k's go full on tilt mode when you are matched with us 4k's in your team? Do you feel like you are playing monkeys mashing a keyboard? Just curious since sometimes I get matched with some 5k's even 6k's and they seem nice, i think


      Pretty sure u r just like a cute little monkey to them. Or like a retarded distant cousin


        ur low 4k with 39% winrate in the past 6 months (109 games)

        so you're even worse than one of those "4k monkeys"

        you're like a 2.5k braindead. you simply over-calibrated (or bought acc/someone else calibrated/etc.) and are on your way back down to 2k where you belong.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Thnx marlan, :C. This is my new acc, after reading what you said about my old acc(suicide), ill prove you wrong

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            Considering the Huskar was 6.7k solo (and lost in a 4.7k avg game), probably not.


              if i beat 7ks does that make me 7k

              damn i guess im 7k guys.


                That was not what I was trying to say. More like, if a 6.7k player can play with 4k's just fine, why shouldnt 5k's be able to aswell. Of course it's a sizeable skill gap, but not as big as from 4k to 3k and I cant remember any 4k players calling 3k autistic monkeys or smth.

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                  i dont think thats how it works.


                    yea the skill gap gets less and less. but it's still pretty big because dota is a snowball game and it's all about taking advantage of mistakes at high level.

                    7k might make 1 mistakes in a game.
                    6k might make 3 mistakes in a game.
                    5k might make 10 mistakes in a game.
                    4k might make 20 mistakes in a game.
                    3k might make 50 mistakes in a game.
                    2k might make 200 mistakes in a game.
                    1k might make 1000 mistakes in a game.

                    but even though difference between 6k and 5k is only "7 mistakes" it only takes 1 well taken-advantage-of mistake to win a game. So when you make 7 mistakes it's still an extremely sizeable/noticeable difference in skill. You can see it quite easily


                      The point of the original post was that 5k's are instantly super tilted when they have to play with 4k's which is just pure bullshit. I dont think we need to discuss that higher mmr players are more skilled, thats pretty much the reason this system exists ;)


                        marlan broke my heart, </3.
                        Edit: im not low 4k anymore :>

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          i mean the mmr system still creates balanced games, at least to the best of its ability.

                          so if ur team is 4k that means their team is 4k too, or some combination of mmr that would be balanced.

                          so a good player shouldn't get tilted cuz of it.

                          u just gotta beat their 5k or w/e ur up against.


                            Well You might be 7k material but just not there yet.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              i just rekt whenever i play against 4k in low 5k average games.


                                Remember bull dog getting severely tilted playing with 4k teammates and having to carry them.


                                  bulldog is actually pretty bad (relative to before) now. 6k level at best.

                                  but his stream is hilarious so its all gud.


                                    Pretty sure he just doesn't try hard is why he seems bad.


                                      4ks Do 20 mistakes before runes even spawned. starting with not checking enemy profiles. And even miracle does more than 1 mistake per game.


                                        ^He was obviously just trying to make an example and not trying to explain a realistic scenario.

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                                          mmr/ranked needs massive changes.

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                                            Meanwhile I can't remember the last game where I didn't have 4ks on my team. I think I've played under 5 6k average games ever. At a certain point I don't even get that mad, I just accept my team is going to be awful and do all I can to 1v9. The game gets much easier if I have at least 1 competent teammate who can make sure at least one of our lanes doesn't lose awfully in my experience.


                                              Well that escalated quickly!


                                                damn i didnt think it was that bad. i figured you get games within ~400 of your own mmr most of the time until you are at leaderboard ranks..

                                                are there just not enough upper 5 and 6k players to find matches without waiting 20 minutes?


                                                  When u reach like 4.8 k there are often games with 5.5 k avg mmr, and u beg to volvo your 6k guy is a carry player, not a support.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    if ur mmr gets too high you have to win despite ur team basically its awful

                                                    hopefully i dont get that high xd

                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                      Low to mid 4ks are utter animals... Zero game sense and ability to work as a team. High 4ks are a gamble, sometimes they are shit but they have "lucida intervalla" from time to time and play good.


                                                        Just AU server, I'm sure if I was in EU I'd have 500 extra points and games with competent teammates.

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          anyway yeah i get matched with 4k9s a lot and they usually are ok except they cant play support (no sentries, cry about "solo support" like i dont play it every third game, feed constantly)

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            SEA is definitely the worse, 4k players here can last hit but that's about it, they're legally retarded and have 0 decision making or strategy. Had a Sven yesterday just stand there last hitting while a Magnus just walked up to him went behind him, then skewered him towards tower multiple times, and another game the same day where we had no support, and no real disables except reverse polarity, and the last guy just randomed Ursa and kept it.

                                                            I swear most people in SEA are autistic and think the whole game is about afk farming for 40 minutes before trying to solo the enemy team.


                                                              ^can confirm, games last to long because 4k's like myself dont know how to end the game when we have the advantage, but if my team has a 5k player in it, he usually leads us to victory even drafts for us sometimes.

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