General Discussion

General Discussiondealing with pressure?

dealing with pressure? in General Discussion

    when playing a carry, how do you get farmed up well when there is an aggro dual-offlane or even tri-lane with constant ganks?

    if i fight, i lose farm.. if i focus on farm, my supports die...


      do i have to absolutely master lasthitting to the point of it being sub-conscious?


        Abuse aggro mechanics to seperate creeps from the wave so you can farm them and try not to die. If the lane is super hard tell your support to leave and just play as if you are the offlaner so you get more xp. Be prepared to lose some farm but remember your other lanes should be doing better especially if it's an aggro tri and most good safelaners have some sort of flash-farm mechanic to catch up from behind. As soon as possible move to jungle and farm there, an earlyish iron talon helps a lot in this regard.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          so basically if fights are being forced in my lane i should tell my teammates to focus on and pressure the other lanes? assuming we can't win those fights decisively


          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            Personally i rotate lanes and farm eg. Naked Dominator asap on luna or sven and proceed to jungle.


              2 options. Last hit like a fkn pro because Agro lanes always push into u in 1-4k. Hopefully your support would've left the lane but given u vision so they can't wrap around and dive u.

              Second option is walk down mid like a real man and accept your loss.


                Be offlaner. In this cases I forget to get farm I play with safe distance because they always will want to kill you "obvious" do a lot of aggros and be prepared for jungle, make a item that dont req a lot of money and will help you for survive a bit, for example "drums" get levels and believe me in 10-15 min of good jungle you can recover a lot.

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  I go to forest as posible until my creeps reach my tower. Also, start praying that the other lane are doing well.

                  Super Speed Snail

                    Ok, to conclude, just dont die, get talon, go jungle while keeping eye on the map.


                      I play carry and this is what I do

                      1) decide if you can win this lane or get kills with help from your team. If it's an aggro tri even winning just a little bit is huge. If it's a duo offlane you need to win a lot more to be worth it.

                      2) if you decided you can win the lane keep your supports and just fight the lane. Pull creep aggro eight before LH ready to get lh without going too close. Also pull aggro whenever wave meets so that creeps kill ur ranged creep fast.

                      3) if u can't win lane make ur supports leave and just play defensive. if you arent bad they will eventually leave because they aren't killing you and an aggro lane without kills is a lost lane.