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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      mentally handicapped

        yeah unlike am sven can actually contribute something in lane to help winning it, what with cleave making sure that melee offlaners will have a hard time trying to contest his farm and a stun to boot. not to mention that insane warcry. to put it into perspective desolator does -7 armor reduc. a single value point in warcry gives a +5 armor buff. and this is in a time where right clicks are what takes the hp of people down

        more farm to go around as well lul


          I instantly spammed AM ytd and honestly it's hard to get proper BF timing after a dogshit laning phase now unless you afk at lane
          Also eating enemies' resources isn't as effective as it used to, but I will try to figure him out and let u guys know later


            I think split pushing is way better to earn you da dolla with AM now


              Honestly playing am in 2k is more triggering than in 3k . In 2k all of the enemy will always chase you . I swear they never stop chase and never farm .

              mentally handicapped

                id share some more of my personal anecdotes but ive played for far too long for my words to actually have some merit to them


                  Yes it is
                  Also you get more spaceeater cucks

                  mentally handicapped

                    what am i seeing two crossdressing traps making love what the fuck is this


                      Tb tb and tb


                        Auto report tb picker


                          I had a jungler BF radi alche as my teammate before rofl


                            Wait until you meet jungle doom who max q and farm slow as fuck


                              Farm slow > spaceeater

                              mentally handicapped

                                new build techies guys

                                1. go mid
                                2. plant a bomb to kill neuts
                                3. get blight + talon
                                4. get all exp tomes
                                5. rush midas
                                6. take EVERYTHING
                                7. build blink dagger
                                8. maelstrom
                                9. proceed to farm everything in map
                                10. get level 25 in 20 minutes
                                11. take +250 damage talent
                                12. ???
                                13. profit


                                  teach me how to farm with tb


                                    U serious? Renshin


                                      Btw i hate moving my illusion to lane renshin. But i will always move it when i know the lane is empty because pos skadi illusion is so fragile. Maybe after manta you can send illu to lane


                                        I see, so its like how i play naga then
                                        I might buy tb arcana if im good with the hero


                                          You aint get any farm if enemy hero keep destroying your illu with 1 spell.
                                          Dlance with 2 illu only(no hero) can clear 1 camp if im not wrong
                                          I think with ultimate orb manta and dlance you can kill camp with just 1 illu
                                          With skadi you can kill 2 camp with 1 illu


                                            I just like sending my illusions to farm the enemy jungle
                                            plus, i feel like tb is super strong once he gets skadi
                                            litterrally man fight an od even if he bkbs


                                              Yes tb is very strong and op in my opinion. If you get free farm you can get like 23min skadi and 28min butter. Did you see that tb game i played with you? I dive the fountain xD to kill them.
                                              Jungle tb is also legit i played jungle tb when i saw my laning partner as a carry. Do not hesitate to use meta lv 1 blablabla take early safelane tower if you can. Also dont forget to make stack with illu and take them with your supports


                                       Holy shit the draft looks so retarded actually. I believe you lost the lane vs bat? Coz your ns and phoenix cant just zone him lv 1. I would say kill him again and again and again to the batrider at lv 1. If thats not possible i think you should get talon then you jungle. Dont hesitate to pop really early meta on the hard camp of jungle.


                                                  I think you can use this technique.
                                                  Get 8 min aquila treads and start killing tower with meta. I think you have a really strong lineup interms of teamfight and single target damage. So what i think should have been done is you rotate top with ns and phoenix use meta and kill the tower. If anybody comes near you, you can just right click them down to necro ulti if necessary because you deal around 800damage with 2illu before reduction. Keep taking tower and you got massive gold advantage with towers.
                                                  Just a ns analysis though


                                                    bat abandoned the lane
                                                    undying and riki stayed to shut me down
                                                    I just pushed out the lane always and farmed jungle to be safe
                                                    while ns and phoenix roamed and shut down od and spec


                                                      am doesnt punish as hard as before but farms real good. i even retardedly got aghs after manta instead of butter and still got 805 cs in 1 hour


                                                        I think you can just go destroy towers. Meta up take tower meta down farm. Your 5man are disgustingly good. I believe early rotation to take tower is a good choice here. 2right click to necro ult=dead hero
                                                        I think if you practice your farm you can reckt every one. Also spec is countered by tb pretty hard. I think desolate dont work with reflection illusion nearby too.


                                                          yo can someone explain the new meta heroes and the new best playstyle? i cant access net and dota anywhere but net cafe so i have no idea about meta. halp :(

                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                            best meta rn is i think any. fighting is good early game as long as you can push and break hg around the 20-25 min mark. at this point no matter how much your enemy turtles the creeps give little exp and gold, both in lane and in jungle. not to mention there are only 3 shrines left in the base to use

                                                            on the other hand ricing heroes such as sven/am/luna and their team can plan towards making it in the lategame. killing creeps is less rewarding, yes, but at least now you can do it reliably, unlike those times when there were a 10 second time period in which you arent doing anything cuz there are no more creeps to farm. you also need a good early game because as mentioned turtling and hg defense has been nerfed

                                                            illusion meta dead, naga nerfed, alche nerfed (thanks OG lmao), illusions take more damage from shit, radiance does less damage, illusions do less damage. illusion gold and xp bounty is now more rewarding, not like before in which a 5 slot pl at min 45 would only give 7 gold for his illusion


                                                              Radiance illu meta is dead but not for hero like tb. Now its better to just afk farm because it gives you much more money. Also the meta is centered around stacks so i think early game hero to contest stacks is better. I think they may have just buffed high skilled tb player too much. Just using illu to stack camp might be op. I think magnus might be more popular than ever because you can stack early stacks without problems. Riki might be back too


                                                                pl illusions from his ult still only give you 5 gold and exp. You only get the bonus for killing other illusions and I think some of those might have specific rules about gold and xp too.

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  This comment was edited 7 months ago

                                                                  Jacked 7 months ago
                                                                  see u guys when im 3k boys

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  just read the edit, i hope ill be 3k before the end of the month lmfao
                                                                  thx man
                                                                  november ofc

                                                                  Ravian 7 months ago
                                                                  @Jacked Feelsblackman

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  tfw when no ones inviting me

                                                                  Ravian 7 months ago
                                                                  .-. cause you arent around when we are lmfao and also check ur steam msg

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  > Ayy lmao

                                                                  Ɽenshin- 7 months ago
                                                                  fuck, lost 100 today, going to play in my 2k acc to lessen tilt

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  ay atleast the grinding is going well, right?

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  that was for alice lmfao
                                                                  stay stronk too kelly
                                                                  just dont beat up those 2k THAT bad

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  grind is well but slow
                                                                  i would play more games if i wont feel so damn tired every game
                                                                  well i might try playing tomorrow since i havent played in a stack for a long time

                                                                  achmed 7 months ago
                                                                  if anyone want him to boost mmr i can to 3000 very easy and fast

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  how can u even play 6 games while still staying sane
                                                                  i go from human to a potato real quick after 1 game

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  @commend me pls
                                                                  boost my 3100 to 3k pls

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  i can only play like this on weekends
                                                                  except this time because it's sem break
                                                                  for some reason i play better if i continue playing, just me being me lmfao
                                                                  everyone has their own cup of tea, bottom line is we racking up those green stains awww yiiisss

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  my body increases in temperature after every game, true story
                                                                  idk whats causing this since im just sitting and pressing buttons >.>
                                                                  but i guess its all the same if i win once everyday while you win it all in a single day

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  aYy haffy wanna do some mmr race once our mmr's meet
                                                                  pretty sure you'll catch up to me soon since 300 mmr difference aint much
                                                                  as for the prize... well the mmr we gain is the closest thing to a price that we'll get rofl

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  might also motivate me to play twice rather than once per day ROFL

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  yeah im all up for that haha
                                                                  i do hope ill get to 3k fast though, is there a noticeable skill difference or it's the same shit? might drop down lmao
                                                                  im on my waaayyy

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  i dont think theres a difference tbh
                                                                  well people are willing to listen more, and english is a lot better, but there are still dumb shits that go vlads slark or something retarded

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  niiiice better players. i heard 3k is the tryhard bracket where everyone knows just enough not to completely suck, but are not good enough to get to 5k or some shit
                                                                  is it too hard to hope for less cancerous community tho? :<

                                                                  Ɽenshin- 7 months ago
                                                                  its cancer especially 3.5 then 3.9

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  huh, for some reason people arent flaming all the time unless you act really really stupid
                                                                  also yeah people are trying more, more people are playing to win and i almost always see one who just goes support (last game we had 3 supports so i was forced to play pos 3 jak)
                                                                  yeah its less cancerous unless youre bringing the 2k cancer with you

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  i can see why mid to high 3k gets toxic tho
                                                                  X.5k to X.9k will always be cancer (went through 1800 to 2500 to 2900 so i know)

                                                                  Harden 7 months ago
                                                                  lemme join this party

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  sounds like an ideal place to play lmfao

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  even when i grinded this shit from 1400 everyone seemed the same
                                                                  toxic lil shits with 5 core lineups, including myself

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  rofl i dont even know now how i got my mmr from 1800 to at least 2600 last year
                                                                  looking back i was a really dumb toxic kid, now im just dumb

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  arent we all lmao

                                                                  Simba 7 months ago
                                                                  It'a harder to stomp 3k just by farming that'a for sure. Try roaming pudge, it's op af. You can literally tilt everyone on the other team by playing roaming pudge.

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  heh i also feel like im becoming less dumb everytime i go here at this forums
                                                                  compare my september activity to october, its a huge difference
                                                                  This comment was edited 7 months ago

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  luckily i wasnt born a farmer since i grew up in the city
                                                                  now im playing offlane bullying little kids like i always do irl

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  btw what time would you guys play tomorrow

                                                                  Ɽenshin- 7 months ago
                                                                  finally won a game with my timbersaw

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  we play after 6 pm, zer0's got work

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  gz renshin im proud, cow face was a turn for the better lmao

                                                                  Ravian 7 months ago
                                                                  shit show starts at 7.30 be there or be squared so i can carry ur asses as a sup lul Kappa

                                                                  Jacked 7 months ago
                                                                  alice my temp goes up after intense game of having to carry retards. if im playing support its pretty chill

                                                                  Alice 7 months ago
                                                                  @zero & haffy
                                                                  cool ill be prcticing some last hittin stuff by7
                                                                  yeah its times like that and especially long games that makes me heat up rofl
                                                                  when im playing timber or support i feel fine

                                                                  Jacked 7 months ago
                                                                  addme pl0x

                                                                  Ravian 7 months ago
                                                                  i cant add on this account feelsblackman

                                                                  You need to kys 7 months ago
                                                                  Man cant wait to destroy scrubs tonight working sucksssssssss

                                                                  keep on stepping 7 months ago
                                                                  ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay

                                                                  Jacked 7 months ago
                                                                  Man U guys are sadists

                                                                  Road to Crippling Depression 7 months ago
                                                                  I haven't played in so long. Fuck. I want to grind some MMR cuz it six dick but whatever.

                                                                  You need to kys 7 months ago
                                                                  @jacked you arent a true sadist when you havent tried core pugna in ns lmfao


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                                                                    I hope I can reach 3k soon


                                                                      Adrian got cucked by his parents lul


                                                                        this game makes me want to climb out of the ultimate dunning kruger fest that is 1k
                                                                        team blames me for not rotating as of
                                                                        I did die once stupidly to pudge, but only once.
                                                                        then he rotates everywhere and every lane feeds retardedly to him
                                                                        no wards against sb slark mk pudge
                                                                        I walked into some autistic hooks but ffs.
                                                                        they wud just perma stun with ogre aghs, sb, and pudge it was ridiculous.
                                                                        no graves from dazzle.


                                                                          How did sven get outfarmed by OD ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                            Play Axe you cuck


                                                                              I max hunger on axe


                                                                                Wierdest non lp game i every played

                                                                                mentally handicapped

                                                                                  finally was able to play, won two games third one a guy abandoned. pubs tho lul


                                                                                    🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔maybe I should tryhard pub with fx to inflate my stats #cutnpaste

                                                                                    mentally handicapped

                                                                                      lmao you two are gonna kill each other over pos 1

                                                                                      mentally handicapped


                                                                                        "INDONESIAN BOY KILLS ANOTHER INDONESIAN BOY OVER RIGHT TO POSITION ONE IN THE GAME DOTA 2!!!"


                                                                                          What are you talking about I'm gucci with supporting rofl
                                                                                          *inb4 1 hero pool supporting*


                                                                                            just go dual mid

                                                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                              Ogre is a good hero.


                                                                                                why are half the player pictures not working.

                                                                                                Président® Salted Butter
