General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    she will hate you because you keep buying digital items witd.

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      How much is battlepass in pesos? If its useable in tingi portions I might get it for when my wrist feels bearable


        pig or mexico?


          now I hate you. pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pigpig pig pig pig pig pigpig pig pig pig pig pigpig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            i just gave you hog feeds. You hungry again already you tf2 gay autist pig?

            doc joferlyn simp

              Uhh I think 400~ PHP? If I remember correctly BP is for 10~ dollars


                pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig don't talk me just push the lane and win you loser ruining every game in dota, wish there's a singapore, malaysian, indo server than all together.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Dog, remember Step 1.


                    pig don't make me waste 1 report and get -25 mmr you pig.

                    hate pigs so much now their rotting the forum I rather let rot and go to eu dota 2 forums goodbye. never talkin to this pig club.

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      Oh yea
                      So how much is it?

                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                        Man nevermind. Feels too late to grind levels, and i dont evn have the time or energy for it

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Yep exactly what I feel right now


                            the one plus side to diox being here is that were tearing through pages.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Gigalul. I'll give him that rofl


                                I have a ticket and am down to battlecup
                                ill play offlane or mid or smth, maybe support as long as its not pos 1.


                                  Lets like play on sea server or smtng. I am mostly free after next week. Actually if i can up to battlecup at anytime. Plus free 15 level is huge


                                    My playlist is destroyed by rtz


                                      LP stacker is here


                                        Get out dioxnoob!


                                          I am already out because I am not one of those people who joins pignoy clubs.


                                            Fuck lp man


                                              Fx pls stop copying me
                                              Also I'll be leveling up tb's account because fuck LP

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Give me tourney ticket I repay with my eternal gratitude


                                                  Wtf bws i am not copying you. As you can see i still had this acc.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Yeah Bws st.fu fx is within his rights

                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo





                                                          I am not seatard i am kawaii :thinking:


                                                            🤔obviously impostor bws will never win with invo


                                                              Honestly I feel that midlane is my place now


                                                                Lul fx imbuker


                                                                  Not as bad as my injoker


                                                                      hmmm diox is muted, I guess the page gains are over.


                                                                        Maybe I should polish my storm more 🤔


                                                                          man how u guys manage to spam both this thread and whatsapp is beyond me


                                                                            by having some people not in the whatsapp


                                                                              by having some people not in the whatsapp

                                                                              Also power of friendship especially fx since that retard dont have any irl friend anyway



                                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                  Fuck my wrists man, theyre killing me


                                                                                    and the fact that people like you come and ask a question and everyone feels the need to respond.

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Any respectable individual would gladly entertain anyone seeking answers

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        Rofl I still don't have a decent phone, why can't we make a Discord server instead of a Whatsapp BibleThump

                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter


                                                                                          Make seatards great again, make a discord server


                                                                                            Discord LUL
                                                                                            We asians not eutists


                                                                                              Make seatards great again

                                                                                              5 stack when?

                                                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                But not everyone gets whatsapp access, like me feelsbadman

                                                                                                I miss playing with alice and apoop btw FeelsBadMan